Chapter 5

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I get up early, even though it is the weekend. I am super excited, I remember I messaged Zoe if she is interested in coming outside with us.

But, sadly she refused it as she is thinking of giving company to Leah and also her brother, Micheal, told her not to go with anyone randomly out.

Rolling my eyes as I read the message. I start to get ready. That's when I get a little lazy, when I am seeing myself in the mirror. My hair is greasy and it really needs a shower.

But, since we are having a plan to go to the beach. I had to take another bath after I come back. So I chucked it off. Most of my shirts required ironing. So, I went with a weird pattern shirt and long big pants.

I looked a little hideous, when I went out to see Chloe and Jessica. They dressed very cool, with skinny jeans and crop tops. I started to feel insecure but I pushed away the thought.

Chloe was a little worried when I told her Leah is not joining, it was a little weird as she really wanted Leah to come, after telling the reason, she just nodded her head.

Finally after, I slip into a small heels to get some height. We walk out to meet the guys. This is the moment I am waiting to see Sebastian and talk. When I see him standing there in a casual blue full sleeved shirt. Standing tall and speaking with Noah and Liam. I mentally scoffed at my stupid dress choice as they all dressed perfect for the little outing.

When we were in the metro, on our way to the city. It is then I come to know that even Jessica's parents are skeptical of her going out with friends. We start bonding on the same predicament. Whereas, it seems Chloe's parents are totally chill about these stuff and she always shares everything with them.

I also am noticing how Chloe is disturbing Sebastian all the way through the travel. Till now none of the guys talked with me. It is a little sad.

We were finally entering the mall, that's when Liam asked me, "Hey, I am Liam what's your name?"

I smiled politely and reply, "Maya"
Noah waves his hand at me and Sebastian gives me a smile.

Thinking this is our first actual interaction, butterflies start swarming in my stomach.

After some time we girls went on our way to shop, that's when I hear that Jess is actually close with Daniel. And that he has a girlfriend back in school who is his junior.

I smile and nod, kind of I had a feeling it would end up like this somewhere in my mind.

It is such a surreal feeling because, Chloe and Jessica were obviously friends since they came in. But they treated me as their own. Even when we were having lunch in McD they were so sweet.

It is then, when Chloe comments, "By the way, guys, she is Leah's roommate."

I just give her a questioning glance and look over at the guys. That's when I hear Liam say, "Woah, Maya! Do you know the lover boy here has a crush on Leah."

My heart literally stopped for a second, as I looked at Sebastian who was smiling shyly. But that's when Noah looks up from his burger, "Liam, it's not like that. Shut up!"

That's when everything starts making clear sense. It is Noah who has crush on Leah.

Noah continues, "Maya, it's not like that.I am serious! It's just a small crush, she is just so silent and cute."

I smile in a teasing way and nod my head and bite into my burger. Actually he is a nice match to Leah. I am mentally making a note to let Leah know about it.

After the lunch, we planned to go to the beach. That's when Liam starts full on teasing Noah. They start asking me to help them both out and all. I was laughing and nodding my head at them.

They climb the rocks as all were wearing shoes, first I was scared as fuck and then I was wearing heels and I would break my leg if I tried, so I stayed back on shore taking pictures of them.

Jessica and Chloe both leave me as they go into a cafe to get some cold drinks. It is then when Noah sits next to me and says, "The thing is Maya, I am not looking for a relationship or any of that sort. I just find her cute that's why I said these guys. Please, don't tell her. She might get weirded out."

I nod my head understandingly. Then we have a small talk about where we are from and Liam offers me some chips. I refuse it in the beginning but he asks me to take at-least one. I took only one, he literary rolled his eyes and left smiling.

Sebastian is totally nowhere to be seen. Noah informs that he actually is going with his roommate outside. I nod my head trying not to show my disappointment.

Sebastian comes out of nowhere, he looks at me and says, "Hey! Maya, I am going. Bye!"

He tells that to everyone and leaves. Something in his voice when he said my name, made me giddy.

When we were back on the metro, to come back to the campus. Jessica and I are listening to songs in my AirPods. I am literally feeling so happy. Cause it was such a well spent day. With Leah, I have always been forced to act the same way as I was back in school.

But with these people, who have no idea how I am. It is nice to have the opportunity to create new impression this new memories. Maybe even new friends.

On the way back to dorm, that's when Chloe drops a bomb, very casually.

"The thing is I had a crush on Sebastian, kind of he came to know about it. Then, he said me that he already has a crush on a girl from his high school who is his junior."

I literally couldn't control my emotions. Like on the same day, I came to know that two of the guys who I had an interest is having some other girl in their heart. Also, I couldn't help, but I started comparing myself to Chloe. She is very gorgeous.

Thinking she itself couldn't woo him. Chances of mine is nil in this rate.

Having these thoughts swirling, I get back to the room and fill in the details to girls. Seeing Leah now jumping with joy. Whereas I could feel my heart shatter once again. I couldn't help but think I am cursed in this fashion. Zoey and Leah tried to comfort me, but the damage is already done.


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