Chapter 30

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We enter the room with our hands intertwined and I have a smile in my face, but my heart is beating so fast.

Sebastian well let's just say, he is fine physically but god he looks super constipated.

Before I could ask him whether he really is, Liam jumps from one sofa to another followed by Zach then Daniel.

Leah tries to join them, but Zoey and Noah pull her down. My eyes immediately rush to Chloe and she looks at all of it and flips her hair and peers into the magazine Jess and she are reading.

Trying to get their attention, Sebastian clears his throat. But it goes unnoticed, so I try to do it but then end of triggering up because I think I inhaled something.

I start coughing up real bad and let me tell you it is the nasty type. I sit down because I felt like I am seeing double. Sebastian runs over gets me a glass of water. Everyone just looks at us with wide open eyes.

Zoey mouths, "Are you ok?"

I nod my head and look up to Sebastian who stands their rubbing my back, I squirm and go forward indicating him to stop.

He gets the cue and clears his throat, "So guys, we have something to tell you."

I try to stand up, but he pushes me down to sit, I just looked at him confused. Everyone is super curious now, it's pin drop silence everywhere.

I look and note down everyone's face, that's when he nudges me, "Yeah, the thing is, I' know we...uh"

I stutter and look around, my face is so hot right now.

Liam who was sitting cross legged, kneels and tells, "Wait are you pregnant?"

Several gasps are heard across the group. Zach faints over dramatically onto Chloe's lap and Noah pushes his head away. He gets up and heaves in pain.

Leah and Zoey get up and start walking towards me with comforting eyes, I get up immediately and hit Sebastian's arm.

Cause he has his mouth wide open and is looking around like a lost child.

"Guys I am not pregnant, we are together that's it." I say angrily looking straight at Liam.

A single loud gasp is heard, "Wait you guys are dating?" Daniel says as he fake gasps once again.

I roll my eyes and look around for expressions, Noah and Chloe are just nodding their head with small smile.

Leah and Zoey are confused but both are having huge smiles. Jess just looks at me and smiles. Liam scratches his head and goes back to his phone, scrolling lazily.

Daniel puts his head into the snacks filled bag. That's when I look around and then I see Sebastian is not being so confused of their expressions.

"Wait, did you tell them before?"
I ask very angrily.

"No Liam was just walking by and you know he doesn't know the meaning of personal space, so once you called me, I saved your name as wifey so he saw it and then you know."

I just open my mouth and stare at him a deep blush passes all over me, I start smiling like a mad person, he gets very confused by my action.

That's when Liam interrupts, "Dude I am just here I can hear you, plus that wasn't the only giveaway. You guys were being super careless but you guys were thinking you were doing James Bond shit. I actually came to know through Maya."

I look at him confusedly, "Don't you remember that day, when you were walking from the class and just pulled Sebastian into an empty class."

I still look at him confused, "Oh god my pure ears, you sneaky bastards you have done it way to many times that you don't know what I am saying."

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