Chapter 8

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The practices started in full swing, I thought I would take days to learn my part. But to be honest it took only a week of practice.

Still we have to combine it with our entries,actions and expressions. But still the improvement is going great. My co actors are really good, they are a little lazy. But they act properly already. That I too leave them in like three practices a day.

Since acting is my passion, I tend to overwork myself. But Sam is doing his job really well. He worries enough for all of us.

He is actually in love with my performance. I don't know why, that day after I was added to the group. He texted me in private. Telling the same thing, that my voice modulation was great. But they had doubt on my acting skills. So he told me that he has seen in me potential so that's why he asked the faculty and other people personally to select me for the role.

The other day, even the girl incharge whose name is Rachal. She also told me that in the beginning they thought she would do the aunt role and I would do the grandma role.

But seeing my acting they are in awe that I am a perfect fit for the character. Now that I think about it, it's actually a pressure to learn the dialogues and deliver it. I know that, even though it's hard but it comes naturally out of the practice.

Days passed by, flyers with our faces are being circulated around the city. Various universities and charity organizations are coming to the event.

Also, in a week we have to put up a charity food stall. It was Rachal who put me in mojito stall. It's funny how I had no idea how to even make it. When she asked me, I just couldn't refuse.

It's Liam, Chloe and I who are putting up the mojito stall. Daniel, Leah and Zoey are putting up Milkshake stall. Whereas Jessica, Noah and Sebastian are putting up BBQ skewers stall.

I was a little bummed up when this group separation was done, which was by Chloe. She is actually like the backbone of our group.

As days were nearing, I actually started being glad that Sebastian is not part of my group. He is the worst team player. Irony is that when I saw him first in team building task is when I started falling for him. But like now that I am with him, and seeing how lazy he is, telling absolute crap excuses.

Jessica who is very close with him, is so angry at him. Even when it comes to money he becomes very stingy. We are doing this for charity. It's us who have to buy all the stuff. When money was asked from him till now he hasn't turned it.

At least if he is being studious and attending classes regularly. The situation could be in ease. But he doesn't do that too. He always sits in his room, doing god knows what. He is not even regular to the practice it seems, the other day Daniel has been saying, how the coach is really mad at him.

Daniel and my relationship has turned into a beautiful friendship. I can't believe the guy who I once had a crush is now, my really close friend who I can say absolutely anything.

We are currently buying all the ingredients required for the stalls. We are going around the town.

The guys are given the list and they are buying it from various stores. Whereas Chloe and I have decided to have a small spa day to ourselves.

We got our eyebrows done along with waxing and she even got her hair cut too.

Leah has never been a person who has come to parlor and got things done. So she and Noah were hanging out in the lounge area.

After that, Daniel and Liam got their bikes and we are now traveling back to the campus. Still some more things have to be bought but we are done for the day.

Chloe is now cursing at Sebastian, he didn't even respond to her texts. I didn't want to say her that when we were in the store, he actually texted me what we are up to?

But, I didn't open the message. I am not in any mood to talk with that stupid irresponsible guy.

Next day in the practice, Leah and Zoey are talking with Sebastian about something and they are laughing. I stuffed my AirPods and am scrolling mindlessly in instagram.

Zoey taps my shoulder and asks, "Hey we are taking a selfie! Want to join?"

I roll my eyes and whisper to her; "Zoey I have no interest to take a selfie with that loser."

Zoey looks a bit taken a back from my response. I won't blame her cause for her he is always the best. Their bond has become into more sister-brotherly rather than being best friends.

She goes back and they start taking a lot of photos. Leah after sometime comes back and says, "Maya, he is actually noticing that you are giving him a cold shoulder. What happened to you?"

I really wanted to smack her face to ask me that. But I calmed myself and replied, "Please Leah, it's literally not my concern what he think about me. I am sure you are reading him wrong. He doesn't care about anyone but himself."

Leah knowing that I can't be talked into, she leaves.

Daniel, Alex and Noah come after their practice and we start talking. Mostly it consisted of us teasing at each other, mainly on how we are acting. Also, we were talking about the ridiculous costumes they have to wear. When I was in midway of my laughter.

Sebastian, Zoey and Leah joins us.

"Woah, what's up with all these loud laughter. Care to tell us to?" Sebastian asks looking at everyone in general, but in the end he focuses on me.

I casually look down into my phone and play the song. After, they came in I kind of withdrew myself from the conversation and was only answering if I was asked question.

That's when Daniel asked me, "Hey which app do you listen songs in?"

"Spotify" I shrug my shoulders and scroll through the list of songs.

I continue, "But the ads are the worst, they keep on interrupting the songs. It's so annoying."

This catches the attention of Sebastian and he asks, "Which app?"

But at the same time, Daniel asked me I could download the songs instead.

I replied to him and completely ignored Sebastian's question. Even though I did it in purpose, but when his head fell down. I kind of felt bad for him.

Alex came by and sat on the table in which I was previously lying on. It seems he also has a girlfriend who is his junior at school. When I look back at the guys, I am so confused how everyone is in a committed relationship.

"Hey girlie! What's up? Why are you avoiding me?"

I just give him a look.

"Seriously girl, you haven't talked to me in months!"

"So, you aren't some great person, who I need to talk everyday."

He catches his heart dramatically and says, "Ooh Maya, he careful with your words they are hurting me deeply."

I just roll my eyes and continue scrolling.

That's when I hear, Sebastian say, "My god! Look at the way Maya is sitting. She is sitting so posh and elegantly."

My head springs back and we lock our eyes for sometime. The moment was short lived, cause Noah who was sitting on the table slipped and fell on the ground.

It was so funny that we all are rolling and laughing.

In my periphery vision, I see Sebastian laughing deeply.

Would be lying if I denied the skip of my heartbeat.


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