The Real Forever

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SomutochiPeaceUma Thank you for your likes!

"Maya...I have to tell you this, don't be mad at me, but I have to tell you this." Sebastian says slowly as he gets closer to me in the couch.

He clutches my hands that has spicy chicken wings in right hand and teriyaki lamb skewers in the other. I steal a bite before he puts them onto the table.

With a pout looking at my ignored beauties, I look back at tensed Sebastian.

"What's the matter love? Anything bothering you?" I ask as I wipe my mouth with tissue and drink some water.

"You know I love you so much right?" He says again acting super sneaky and his eyes move from the food to our clutched hands.

"Baby you are scaring me, what's the matter?" I ask as I go closer to him and place my head onto his chest.

His fastened heartbeat resonates and I just look up to see his face, droplets of sweat glistens his handsome face. And I can't stop myself as I hold his face and bring him in for a kiss.

Initially he was taken aback and then he catches up, he places a pillow onto my lap so that he doesn't put weight on our nine month old.

I still can't believe how days or even months passed by, I still remember the first few months how deadly scary it was.

I am a high risk case, I had a chance of developing GDM as well as GDH. So I was asked to take complete bed rest for few weeks, since we found the pregnancy early. It was both a boon and a bane.

As I think about that, he starts leaving open mouthed kisses all over my jaw. As I moan out that's when he says, "Baby I think you have to stop eating spicy food, I heard it's not good for the baby." He says caressing my belly.

It takes me a minute to get onto what exactly he was insinuating as he starts kissing me on my weak spot behind my ears.

But once it hit me, I pushed him with all my force and got up from the couch abruptly. I clutched in the bags with all my spicy goodies and go to the kitchen.

He starts walking right behind me and tries to take the cover of my hands.

"Don't! I said don't touch me." I scream as I go towards the dustbin and empty the containers with my eyes being filled with tears.

"Baby I didn't mean it like that. I am not calling you, you know what!" He huffs in despair as he hits the wall nearby.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the bedroom, "I know, you have done the deed, you got your offspring now I am just this fat old lady with loose skin and not so good down there kind. You are still strong and handsome with all young girls waiting for your nod of approval. I get it dude! Yo are the man!,You don't need to spell it out for me. Sadly I am the not the kid anymore." I sulk and slam the door.

With tears now coming non stop, I sniff and place my head onto the pillows.

I switch off the light and close my eyes shut, that's when I feel the bed dip and Sebastian slowly hugs me from behind.

He pushes me towards him and he starts leaving small kisses over my exposed back and neck, he slowly grinds into me that's when he says, "Maya, you have no idea how much restrain I have to put on myself seeing you all swelled up and pretty with our baby. You are glowing even with the lights off your skin is so soft and you face is always red, especially your nose. And all of this is mine, you don't know how much it takes from me to not to scream everyday saying you are mine out loud for everyone in this world to hear. So that's why I am here telling into your ears, that you are mine and always will be the apple of my eye, forever and always, cause darling you are my world."

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