Chapter 11

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Are you kidding me? What did he do? Did he go and confront him?

Questions starts swirling in my mind, I call Sebastian and it goes to a voicemail directly. Being totally confused and scared I call Noah. Who is also not picking the call.

After asking to several people around. Also, Zoey and Leah are trying to call him too.I once again call Sebastian and finally he picks it up, I scream, "What the hell dude? Where are you? What the fuck are you doing?"

I mindlessly swear, as I hear the other side of the call say, "Excuse me, is this the way you speak to your senior?"

I immediately cut the call and look down at the ID. But it read his name.

Being totally shitless scared now. I call Leah and Zoey, who also tell they had similar issue. Now that what Nat said and then from the call. I get so scared.

As I near the auditorium, my heart starts beating real fast. As I enter, no one is to be there. So I sit on the chairs and help some art people who are working on the decorations.

That's when Noah enters with some other guy who is also in my class but I have my spoken with him. He is actually Sebastian's roommate and I go up to him and ask, "Hey where is Sebastian?"

He shrugs his shoulders and says, "He is caught! Why did you call him?"

The other guy also says, "Yeah he has your name saved as 'May the sunshine' right?"

That's when relief flood over me as they don't my real name. That guy smirks and says, "Seb is screwed!"

I couldn't help but feel so bad that I added more fuel to the fire and literally is of no help now.

I see Sebastian entering the room and I immediately go up to him and say, "Oh my god! Sorry what's up?"

Before he could say anything, his roommate jumps in and screams, "Hey you are pranked!"

What the actual fuck?

He continues to say, "It was me in the call acting as a senior!"

He starts laughing hysterically, I literally had no feelings at this point. I didn't know whether to be sad or confused or laugh.

So I simply shrug my shoulders and say, "Good acting guys! You got me!"

I see then angry looking Leah and Zoey enter, I go up to them laughing and say, "You know, they pranked us!"

Zoey cuts me off, "Yeah so what! What a
bunch of losers!"

She gives a dirty look to the boys. Leah gets called immediately into the stage for the practice and Zoey also leaves angrily to the back of the auditorium.

I start following her mindlessly along with Sebastian, who is also sad at her actions.

I go up to her and she sees Sebastian and tries to leave. I catch her hand and ask, "Hey what happened?"

She remains dumb and huffs and sits on the chair. I look up at Sebastian indicating him to say something. But he shrugs his shoulders and stands there.

Before I could say something she gets called for the practice and leaves. For sometime, Sebastian and I plan some ways to cool them off.

He says, "I wish they were like you! You were so understanding!"

I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"It's just a harmless prank! But wait a second was Nat also part of this?"

He raises his eyebrow questingly and I continue, "She called me and said that you were with the senior and he said something bad to you and all!" I smile and say.

His face expression suddenly changes and says, "Oh no, nothing like that I didn't even speak with him."

He starts blabbering and I don't know, I think I have been with him for months that it's crystal clear for me that he is lying.

Leah and Zoey were actually very easy to convince. They were taken by shock it seems that's why they felt so stupid and upset at his actions.

After that talk, Sebastian seemed very off and not talking much. He tried to walk away and be with the guys and just not reply properly when we ask him something.

"This place looks shady as fuck! What are we doing here again?" I ask as we are walking in a dark place towards the terrace of the building.

Chloe and Noah stumbled upon this place and wanted to check it out. Cause this door was always closed but surprisingly it's open today.

With flash lights on in all our phones.

Jessica says, "This feels like the beginning of horror movie!"

Noah huffs and I can sense him rolling his eyes.

As we go out finally to the open space. There is a steep ladder. Noah immediately starts climbing up there followed my Chloe. I am very skeptical, also am scared if anyone closes us up here. As no one had any idea we are here.

Since everyone started going up, also Sebastian helped me and kind of made fun of me too. So I climbed up the ladder and when I came up it was worth the risk. Our entire campus is in clear view from here.

There is cool string breeze, with chattering sounds of us. And we clicked a lot of pictures then left. Naming this place as our secret hideout.

As we come down, most of the pics were taken in my phone. Sebastian takes my phone without asking and goes to send the pictures to himself. That's when it striked me it was yesterday only, I changed his name to 'Shitface' in my contacts.

So as he put his first initials, and his name didn't pop up. I took my phone and typed in shit. You had to see the expression change that's happening now.

He gets so angry and send himself the pictures and immediately takes his phone out and starts saving my name as aunty. I start hitting him to take the phone from him since he is like 6'1 and I am 5'2. It is impossible to take the phone from his grip.

We start running around the corridor and finally, I catch up to him  and he gives up and saves my name back to May the sunshine.

I smirk with a huff and leave.


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