Alternate ending

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Hello guys, I know this book is complete. But past few days, a lot of events and activities inspired me, maybe that's the right word or I could even say forced me to write this chapter.

It's not a chapter actually, it's just the plain ol', painful, blatant, not so nice reality.

This is dedicated to all those girls and boys who thought they were in a situation ship but sadly was just part of a imaginative play their creative mind curated for their short lived sanity.

I know, I wrote this book to just savor the last drop of delusion of mine. A possibility that is not even plausible in alternate dimension or the multiverse even.

But I feel this book wouldn't be complete without it's alternate ending. The tragic end, can you even say that? I mean if I want to be philosophical or be inspiring I wouldn't be doing this on the first place. So suck it up guys, this chapter is going to be brutal and real.

But I feel, even people like us need to be known right? I am sure all of us would have gone through one such episode, for some it would have been a passing cloud event for some it could be the very reason for their ultimate doom.

On the whole, I am writing this with an intention of pure jealousy, hatred, helplessness on a character that I created inspired by me. It's funny to be honest and please be free to label me crazy. But seriously at this point of time, I am done with happily ever after shit, I am done with romance and most importantly am done with love.

So yeah with all these words, let's jump into the reality of  Maya aka me from reality.

These are events that take place after ~chapter 23~

I send my daily snap and as I listen to music and close my eyes. A ting from my phone indicates a Snapchat notification breaks of my slumber.

Curious enough, as I never get a snap notification before, I could see the notification the app gets opened as I accidentally press onto the notification.

'Hey! I am really sorry, I don't know what mistake I have done. But I apologize to anything I would have done that must have caused you to be angry at me'

What the hell, why is Sebastian saying all of these things?

For a second I don't know what to do and I simply take a photo of the chat from my Ipad and send it to my sister and to the group with Leah and Zoey.

My sister replies immediately and asks me to reply asap to his message.

Before I could reply to her emojis start flying right and left from our group and I roll my eyes and reply to my sister, what the hell should I do?

Before I could send it, another notification pops up from him with 2 question marks and the next one saying 'You there?'

I push off the notification and my sister types in, 'Just don't be an asshole and just reply to him whatever.'

She goes offline and I just scream into my pillow and type in, 'Ok!'

He immediately replies with an 'Okk' and asks, 'What are you up to?'

Ok wait a minute, that's it, I don't care I am not maintaining any contact with him and I just come off the app and sleep off without replying to his message. I know it's hard to believe but my ego is big enough to make me cold hearted in a heartbeat.

Days and even years pass by he continued his relationship with Abigail. Then he got his sorry ass dumped in few months.

I was happy but it would be a big fat lie, if I said I was more happy regarding the fact that he is single than he got dumped.

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