Chapter 14

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Finally, it's the winter holidays; we are going back to our homes. Leah and Zoey got so emotional and now our hugging, we are having our flight in like two hours and still we are in the dorm.

Chloe, Leah and I are from NYC, so we all are going there for 15 days. I can't wait to go back to my home and see my family again.

Days, fly by in NYC. It's new year's, we are in a random party of my dad's collegue's. It's so boring, but I am entertained by our group chats enough. Like literally, they are talking about some stupid shit, it's so funny.

We did some video calls along these days, Leah couldn't join in because she is in her family cabin somewhere, the signal is too shitty.

I text time to time with Sebastian, but still it's not like how it was back in the university.

Leah actually started chatting with one of a guy in junior year named Nathan, he was actually the host of our show. They started talking since then, he is actually in Amsterdam now. She was saying the other day he has been buying for her chocolates and she is too excited about it.

I am just so confused with her, cause in like literally her crush changes like every month. See its ok check out guys, but she is leading them on like crazy.

I am now in spa with my sister and we are getting our mani-peds done.

Vanessa says, "Maya, you are not too serious about Sebastian right?"

I get a little taken aback at her serious tone, I just shrug my shoulders nodding.

She continues, "I don't know how to say to you, but he just looks like the type that would tease and have fun and not get into anything serious. Don't you know get to attached with him ok?"

I nod my head and smile mumble a sure.

But, a lot of questions are running all over my head, for whose I don't have any answers too. Cause, somewhere I feel the simple crush I have on him may or may not have turned to something else, into which I don't want to go in now.


Holidays got over, it's a little difficult to say my family bye once again. Leaving my pretty room and coming back to the dorm, it's a little depressing. But seeing all the guys again, I am very excited about it.

For like a week, the classes starts biting our ass, there is a lot of tests and work lined up. After completing our practical test, Zoey and I are discussing about some of the answers. That's when Sebastian comes to us, seeing him literally after so many days, my heart beats faster as he starts talking something about the test.

Zoey leaves us both, but before she goes she winks me subtly. I just hope, Sebastian didn't see that.

Sebastian randomly says, "You know I showed your picture to my friends."

I give him a questioning look and he continues, "Actually I talked a lot about you to them, actually I talked about all our friends. But yeah, they were actually a little disappointed when they saw you. I think they expected something more I guess."

I just couldn't believe my ears, should I be happy that he talked about me or be angry at him about the other comment.

I just shake my head and then pause before I say, "Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you? Why are you even saying me this?"

He simply shrugs at all these and just stands there smirking.

I roll my eyes and ask him, "Which picture did you show, wait I know it would have been that beach picture right?"

He replies, "What no! I showed them some group pictures too!"

I didn't know what else to say, he continues, "Actually I told you my crush from school right, we were actually texting the other day."

"Oh ok! Great, her finals are coming close right, she isn't senior year after all. Which all universities she applied for?"

He looks up from the screen and says, "She applied here actually. Boston is her first choice then to UCLA and all."

I nod my head and smile, as it starts to get a little awkward. Zoey joins in and we start talking about something else.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he continues talking about that girl.


Leah exclaims as she sits in a huff, "You know I don't know, why I am still talking with Nathan. He is such a playboy. "

I just raise my eyebrows at her comment as all this day she was gushing about him and now all of a sudden like this.

I put a chocolate into my mouth which he actually bought from Amsterdam.

She takes herself one of them and continues, "You know today, full time he was talking about his past girlfriends, who he actually took away from their boyfriends. He is so ughh!"

"Ok, wait what the hell?"

"Yeah girl, he is weird. I think I should just end it. But how to?" she mumbles to more to herself than me.

I just continue doing my assignment, I start thinking about the numerous amount of times he bought for her food and they went on dates.

Now all of a sudden, she talking like this is a bit alarming. She has been chatting with Noah too all this time. Which is totally weird! Sometimes when she is laughing out so loudly or when she starts talking about something funny they sent.

It became my habit to ask who it is from, which I feel should not be a question to ask. Cause their both the texts are in same style flirty and funny.

You know what it's her life, I don't care anymore.


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