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Damon had seemingly giving up. He didn't want to end up like Rose had when she was bitten. So after his morning journey to Elena's to apologize for feeding her his blood, he made his way back into his home of the Salvatore boarding house.

He grabbed himself a bottle of bourbon and glass before pouring himself a drink and taking a sip. Damon took a look at the fatal werewolf bite on his forearm before making his way over to the window and snatching the curtains open.

He soaked up the sun before downing the rest of his glass before setting it on the table. Damon stood back in front of the window before sliding his daylight ring from his finger, dropping it to the floor.

His skin started to sizzle and burn as the sun beamed down on him. Though before any lasting damaged could happen, Stefan used his speed to tackle Damon out of harm's way.

"Get off me." He growled out at his baby brother. Stefan grabbed the top of his shirt and lifted him, ramming him into the wall, far enough away from the open window.

"You're not doing this." Stefan told him.

"Just did." He said causing Stefan to ram him back into the wall. "You saw what happened to Rose, Stefan."

"I don't care." Stefan picked him up once again and sped him down to the basement, roughly shoving him into a cell causing Damon to fall into the dirt. "You're not dying today." Stefan said as he shut the door and locking it.

"What's the plan superman?" Damon questioned when he had looked up to his brother.

"I'm gonna find a way out of this."

"Oh right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one." Damon said.

"I got Bonnie looking for something, anything."

"Always the hero Stefan. Just tell me goodbye and get it over with." Damon said before letting out a coughing fit, blood splattering into his hand.

"Lie still. Conserve your strength." Stefan said before walking away.

He pulled his phone from his pocket as he headed back upstairs. Making a call to one of the only people that would actually come through for this.

"You've reached somebody who's currently not operating." Alaric said once he picked up.

"I need your help." Stefan spoke as he walked down the hall.

"Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood, with the help of someone that claimed to be on our side."

"Damon's dying."


"Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time." Stefan explained.

"What do you need?"


"You brought me to see a girl movie." Jeremy stated as he walked alongside his sister who was carrying a blanket.

"We had to get out of the house, Jer. This is our 3-hour distraction from reality." Elena explained as they came upon an empty spot in the park that was currently full of people from the town.

"Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed?" Jeremy questioned back.

"We need to do this, okay? Breathe, eat, sleep. Wake up and do it all over again." Elena explained as Jeremy helped unfold the blanket. "Until one day, it's just not as hard anymore."

"Hey! There you guys are." Caroline shouted gaining their attention, Arden right beside her.

"Who's hungry?" Arden asked as she set a basket down along with Caroline.

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