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"Come on, girl's night!"

Gala groaned as she heard the doppelgänger let herself into the apartment. She had been laying low ever since word traveled that she knew Elena planned on sacrificing herself and she wasn't doing anything to stop it. In reality, Gala did have a plan and it included Elena dying.

"Stop sulking and get dressed."

She sat up in her bed and looked at the clock on the nightstand to her left before looking to the person in her doorway. It was five o'clock in the afternoon and Elena had enough of her friend attitude.

"Everyone hates me." She complained before crawling out of bed and headed for the bathroom to get ready.

"Not everyone." Elena mumbled as she heard the shower turn on.

Elena made her way back to the living room and sat down on the couch. She grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, waiting for her friend to finish. Though it didn't take long for Gala to come strutting into the room dressed in all black.

"So, what does girl's night intel? And who's going to be there?" Gala questioned as she grabbed her leather jacket from the coat rack by the door.

"Sleep over at my house, mostly." Elena explained as she led Gala out of the apartment. "And it's just going to be us girls."

Gala let out a deep sigh. She knew she was going to have to face everyone sooner or later, she was hoping for later. She quietly followed after Elena which eventually ended up at the doppelgängers house.

"I'm back!" Elena shouted into the house as she and Gala entered.

"I don't know if this is a good idea." Gala words fell on deaf ears as Elena shut the door behind them.

"Chinese food or pizza?" she could hear Caroline asked as they entered the kitchen, Gala a little slower than her friend.

"Like you even have to ask." Elena chuckled as Caroline pulled out tablet to order the food, only for Arden to pull the small device from her hands and do it herself.

"What is she doing here?" all attention was now on Gala as Bonnie's questioned left her lips.

"I went and got her because she is still my friend. And she is still on our side." Elena defended as she set a bowl down on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"How can you say that? She was going to let you die." Bonnie countered.

"It was part of my plan. Which has been slightly different from Elijah's this entire time." Gala finally said.

"Yeah. Well how is it different? Because when I got the plan from Luka both of you were going to let her die." Bonnie said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, we were both going to let her die. Klaus will be his weakest after the sacrifice and that will be when Elijah kills him. But as Elijah kills Klaus my plan will be taking affect." Gala took a breath before continuing. "I have a spell that allows one blood relative to give there life for Elena. I gave the spell to John Gilbert."

"Wait, what?" this was news to Elena. "I don't want anyone else dying for me. That was the whole point."

"I know Elena. But this spell is the only for sure way to come back to life as yourself. No vampire, no spirit, no nothing." Gala said.

"How do you know it'll work?" Caroline asked.

"Because I created it back when I was human." Gala said as she walked further into the room and took a seat in the chair beside Elena. "I had a friend whom lost a child during childbirth. She begged me to create something to bring her back, but the ancestors won't let you truly bring someone back from the dead. So, this spell is the closest I could get.

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