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The next morning Gala was out of the house before anyone was up. With her mother up and walking, she didn't want to be anywhere near that house.

She knew her mother was up to something; she could feel the magic coursing through the mansion ever since she had walked in.

Gala had spent the morning with Zoe. Overseeing the movers in packing up her things while the two talked and caught up with one another.

When the movers where done, the two ventured off to the nail salon in town. Getting their nails done for the ball that Zoe didn't know if she wanted to attend or not.

After the nail salon, the two went their separate ways. Zoe went to meet up with Arden, who was in need of desperate help with picking out a dress, while Gala made her way across the street where she was to meet Fayanna.

The grill was not busy at all as Gala entered. She made her way to an empty table to wait on the witch, passing a table that contained Caroline and Elena. Normally she would great the blonde but with the everything that has happened she decided to eavesdrop instead.

"And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?" Caroline's voice floated through the blonde's ears.

"I have no idea." Elena said. "There's only one way to find out."

"I though you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going."

"I did, which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard." Elena explained.

"Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux and by that, I mean Stefan."

Gala focused back on her table when the chair in front of her was pulled back. She knew the bad feeling she had of her mother was strong for a reason, but hearing Caroline speak to Elena about a secret meaning made this meeting with Fay even more important.

"Hey, everything okay?" Fay questioned seeing the distressed look on her friend's face.

"Not really but I'll make this quick," Gala said knowing she was going to get started quickly on discovering what her mother was really up too. "Do you still have my pendant I leant you?"

"Yeah, I have it right here." Fay said pulling a chain from inside her shirt, showing the red egg-shaped pendant. "Do you need it?"

"Yeah. I believe something is happening and I just need a little more power." Gala admitted as she watched Fayanna pull the long chain over her head, handing it over.

"Thanks. I'll give it back when I'm done." Gala said as she grabbed the chain and placing it around her neck and sticking the pendant in her shirt.

"No rush. I've been practicing without it, and I believe I've gotten stronger." Fay boosted.

"That's good. I'm so proud of you." Gala was happy that her friend's strength was growing. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

Fay nodded as Gala stood and wrapped the witch in hug, giving her a goodbye before making her way out of the establishment. Now that she was reunited with the necklace, she decided to make her way back home to get ready for the ball.


A knocked sounded on her door as Gala raced around her room. She was already in her red ball gown that hugged her waist with her makeup done and hair slicked down before being pulled back into a low bun. You could hear her heels on the hard wood floor as she moved to one side of the room to the other, gathering things.

"Come in." She said knowing that Kol was on the other side.

"Guest have arrived, and I had to leave my date to come find you." Kol said after opening the door. "Upon Elijah's orders, of course."

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