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The Mayor was holding a memorial for the people that had been recently killed and Gala being the type to never like taking human life, wanted to be there. She took a seat on a bench nearby before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She was still reeling after everything she learned that morning.

Arden had taken it upon herself to tell Gala about how Jules told Tyler about all the vampires, now he was upset and feeling betrayed while also trying to find the truth about their Uncle Mason. And Elena had told her about how Stefan talked with Katherine and she spilled the beans on an original being able to compel other vampires, along with her life before she was a vampire.

Gala stood from her bench and grabbed the bouquet of flowers before making her way through the crowd. She placed them on a table at the front that held pictures of the fallen and gave a silent prayer before walking away.

Weaving her way through the crowd, Gala was pulled from her thoughts when she heard the voice. One man she has come to loath since she stepped foot in the town and since he tried to kill her. She changed her destination course before ending up right behind Jeremy Gilbert.

"What to grab lunch?" John Gilbert asked his nephew.

"He already has a lunch date." She spoke up knowing Jeremy would decline. He loathed the man just as much as she did.

Jeremy spun on his heels to the see the blue-eyed vampire behind him. He gave a crooked smile before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and tuning back to his uncle. Their glare would have put him six feet under if it was possible.

John stared at the two before letting out a huff and walking away. Gala smirked at seeing the irritation and frustration on the older Gilbert before leading Jeremy away. She wasn't kidding when she said he was her lunch date, he just didn't know it yet.

"Who is that Bonnie's talking to?" Gala questioned when she spotted the Bennett witch talking with an older gentleman.

"That is Jonas Martin, he's Luka's father." Jeremy explained before they approached the two witches.

"He's the one working with Elijah." She never did formally meet the man that was working with her brother.

"Is there a problem here?" Gala questioned after stopping by the two. She watched as Bonnie glared at him before speaking.

"Not at all."

"Come on, foods on me." Gala said motioning for Bonnie to follow herself and Jeremy. Though she was a little reluctant, Bonnie ended up following beside the couple.

"How long do you think she will hate me?" Gala questioned Jeremy, as she watched Bonnie walk in front of them.

"Bonnie is stubborn, more stubborn than Fayanna." He started as the entered the Grill and Bonnie made a beeline for her sister and Arden whom were already seated at a table. "But I think when all of this is over, and she realizes that you are trying to protect Elena, she will trust you."

"Great so at least a couple more weeks because knowing Klaus, he will be sacrificing by the next full moon."


"Can you promise me one thing?" Jeremy asked suddenly turning serious after an hour or so of laughing at Gala's stories.

"Anything." She agreed wholeheartedly.

"In the end, if Klaus succeeds and kills Elena, will you promise to find away to bring her back?" she could already imagine the heartbroken look on his face at the sight of his dead sister, it was a look she never wants to see in person.

"I will promise you this," she said laying her hand on the table causing Jeremy to reach out and grab her hand. "That when it comes time and it looks like we'll lose, I will give Bonnie and Fay a spell. And with that spell, and the corporation of a living, blood related family member, they can keep her alive. Though it's a last resort option because I don't want anyone to die."

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