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Gala finally got out of bed. Unlike her siblings, she took the time to mourn her brother, even if it was only for a couple of days.

But she finally climbed out of bed and took a well needed shower. Getting dressed in jeans and band tee while Dutch braiding her hair to keep it out of her way, minus the few that fell down in the front of her face.

She put on some boots before making her way downstairs. Klaus had set up a rather large canvas and was painting away as Zoe was perched on a nearby couch, a book in her lap as she admired Klaus.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Klaus said before looking up and towards his sister.

"Well, somebody needed to mourn him. He was out brother after all." Gala said sending Zoe a smile in greeting.

"Well you've missed a lot." Klaus told her before turning back to his painting. "Rebekah's out getting the last stack. And Kol called, Damon and Elena made it out to Denver to get your boyfriend. They're trying to find out who they're sired their bloodline."

"Why do they need to know who they are sired from?" Gala's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Apparently when Finn died, it killed his entire sire line. Sage died not long after Finn." Klaus explained, but their conversation was cut short as Rebekah made her way into the room.

"What took you so long?" Klaus asked her.

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily, I'm quite the charmer." Rebekah said stepping into the room, holding up a stake.

"That's it?" Klaus questioned her looking at the piece of wood.

"The last of the white oak stake that can kill us." Rebekah confirmed handing it over. "Do you want to do the honors or shall I?"

Klaus smirked as he set down his brush only to pick up the stake, throwing it into the fire.

"Well that's, that then." Rebekah said turning on her heel to leave.

"Both of you, pack your bags. We're leaving." Klaus' said. Gala raised her brows, knowing full well Klaus was going to have an argument on his hands, because she wasn't ready to leave yet.

"Today?" Rebekah questioned turning to look at him.

"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here." Klaus said as he had returned to his painting. "I'll just grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset."

"But tonight's the decade dance." Rebekah told him, but honestly Klaus and Gala could care less.


"So? I'm the head of the committee. I have to go." Rebekah told him.

"I'm not going to any dance." Klaus told her.

"I mean why would we. We dont attend the school, wouldn't it be weird?" Gala questioned, not really up for a dance at the moment.

"Jeremy will be there." Rebekah said trying to entice the girl before looking up to Klaus. "Besides, I'm pretty sure we can talk Zoe into going."

Zoe looked up at the mention of her name. She never got attend a high school dance, since she dropped out and left at a young age.

"We have plenty of flapper dresses for you to choose from." Rebekah told her.

"Ive never been to a high school dance." Zoe admitted to them.

"Well, thats's settled it then. We are all going. I do have big plans for tonight after all." Klaus gave in causing Rebekah to smile in satisfaction and turned to her sister. "I'm gonna need help with the set up, mind meeting me at the school?"

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