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Elijah was the first one awake. After he removed the stake from his chest, and the veins and his grey skin faded, he kneeled down to his sister's side. He let out a sigh and a with a slight shake of his head he grabbed a hold of the stake pulling it from her chest.

Elijah hated seeing her like that. It wasn't her first time being killed by people she considered her friends.

He threw the stake to the side before standing and adjusting his torn suite. Now, he just had to wait for her to wake up. He had to make sure she was okay and that she wasn't to mad at him. He also need to figure out what was going through her head, she obviously wasn't taking Elena to Niklaus

Hearing a gasp, Elijah turned to his sister to see her sitting up with her hand where the stake once was. She felt where the stake once sat before turning to the only person in the room, her brother. She grabbed his outstretched had to be pulled from her spot on the dirty floor.

"Are you okay?" Elijah questioned, once she was standing up right.

"Yeah." She said giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry for tackling you."

"I'm sorry for snapping your neck." He apologized as well, his own small smile gracing his face.

Gala stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. She had missed her brother dearly. She hadn't seen him in years, ever since Elijah and Klaus had a falling out, she stayed away from both of them. She let go of him before turning and taking a seat on the staircase.

"I need you to tell me what you're planning?" Elijah said as he took a seat beside her.

"My plan is simple." She said looking over to him. "To keep Elena safe. I do not want Klaus anywhere near that town."

"You know that's not going to work. He will find out about the doppelgänger and he will come for her."

"Then I will do everything in my power to protect her." Gala was determined to keep Elena safe, her friend safe. "He will find it as a betrayal but when you find people you care about, you will do anything for them. And even though Damon staked me, I will do anything for the others."

"And what about the curse?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't care about it. The curse had been intact for a thousand years, another millennium want hurt." She said before leaning over and placing her head on her brother's shoulder. "What's your plan?"

"In due time." He said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, enjoying the sibling moment. "Just know I was taking Elena to protect her as well."

Gala let out a sigh before standing up completely.

"I need to get back. No doubt Elena told Jeremy I'm dead. I don't want him to suffer, he's been through too much at his age." She said with a sad smile.

"I still stand by with what I said. You and Rebekah are so similar when you fall in love." Elijah said.

"I never said anything about be in love Elijah." Gala quickly shut down that assumption.

She did have strong feelings for the guy, that she will admit. But how can she be in love with him? They've only known each other for a few months.

"You didn't have to." Elijah said as he stepped forward and kissed her forehead. "Stay safe."

"I have a spare room in Mystic falls, its yours when you come to town."

He gave a small nod in understanding before she turned walked out the door.


Gala waited until the next day to make her presence known. She thought about heading straight for the boarding house and putting a stake into Damon, but she stopped herself and decided to let Elijah deal with him first...maybe.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now