
978 19 1

Gala had been procrastinating. It's not like she didn't want to find her siblings, but taking her time doing it was like a punishment for her brother.

Though after one last goodbye to Jeremy and an afternoon helping train her hybrids, Gala found herself standing at the table in her apartment.

A map of mystic falls in front of her as she slashed her hand, letting the blood fall into a puddle.

"Phasmatos tribum nas ex veras." Gala chanted while closing her eyes and than repeating. "Phasmatos tribum nas ex veras."

She opened her eyes to see the blood moving. A small amount settled on Mystic Falls while the rest traveled, headed out of town.

Gala watched as it was stopped by a force, sending it back. Her eyebrows furrowed as she said the spell again, only to feel someone countering it.

She knew Stefan had a witch helping him and she knew it was most likely Bonnie, it was the only way they could truly hid the coffins. She also believed herself to be stronger than the Bennett witch despite not practicing in centuries.

So it left one place. The witches house.

Gala was quick to snatch up her leather jacket and speed out of her apartment. Though it didn't take long to reach the abandoned house. She took a cautious step inside not knowing how the witches felt about her at this time.

But when nothing happened, she bounded down the stairs toward the basement. Gala rounded the corner only to stop in her tracks.

The room was lit up with candles but otherwise empty. She muttered spell after spell trying to uncloak them as she stepped further into the room.

Hearing a creak in the stairs, her head snapped in the direction she had just came from. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Damon causing him to stop.

"What took so you both so long?" Klaus had stepped out of the dark shadows he had hid himself in.

Gala continued to ignore her brother like she had been doing for days now.

"Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less." Klaus said making his way over to where his sister stood. Only to kneel over, screaming in pain and clutching his head.

"You know Nik, if you didn't insult them you probably wouldn't be in pain right now." Gala smirked at her brothers karma.

"Yeah, not smart." Damon agreed. "I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here."

"Well, you know the funny thing about witches is that living or dead, they care about their own." Klaus gritted out before growling out in pain as the witches flared up again. "A hundred dead witches, have a thousand descendants. And I have no problem killing every last one of them if I don't get my coffins back. As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line."

All Gala could do was watch her brother threaten to kill every witch while groaning and grunting in pain. Despite being upset and hurt from everything he has done, she still hated to see him in pain.

She sucked in a breath as the candles continued to stay a blazing Klaus grunting in pain once again before the candles died out to a small flame.

"Now please, show me the coffins." Klaus asked after taking a step towards Damon only to look towards the ceiling.

Gala took a step back towards her brother as the coffins suddenly appeared, no longer being cloaked by the witches.

Her brows furrowed at the three coffins, there was supposed to be four.

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