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"Where is your mind at today?"

After killing her father, Gala didn't want to be alone. So, as they always do, Jeremy slept over.

"Honestly, my father." She answered, leaning against the kitchen counter as Jeremy entered, fresh out of the shower.

"The deadly vampire Hunter that was trying to kill you?" He questioned as he stopped in front of her.

"More the human he once was." She said looking up at him. "My father was a complete arse. Even when we were human and before he found out how Klaus and I weren't his. But he had always had a soft spot for us girls."

"What moment comes to mind?" He really didn't see the man being soft for anyone.

"I was seventeen and it was not long before we turned. I was out in a field looking up at the stars and he came and lied down next to me. I thought he was coming to lay with me, youthful thinking, always wanting their father. Anyways, all he did was speak softly, telling me I was getting married off to a neighboring village to strengthen out bonds."

"I thought I was gonna get a sweet moment." Jeremy spoke.

"Not sweet. Just soft." Gala mumbled as she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest.

"Some people don't deserve to be a dad." He said wrapping his arms her as well.

Her phone sounded off on the counter behind her. Jeremy grabbed it after no movement her Gala. She was set on ignoring like she has all day.

"Your brother." He said.

"I'm not surprised. He's been at it all day and I don't want to deal with him." She mumbled into his chest. "But I guess I'll see what he wants."

"Just keep in mind you don't have to deal with your father anymore. He's dead. Not desiccated or daggered. Dead." He placed a kiss to her forehead as they pulled away from one another. "Now go deal with your brother and I'll see you later."

Gala was still hesitant to leave. But she put on her leather jacket and big girl pants, planting a kiss to Jeremy's lips and leaving the apartment.


The Mystic Grill was her destination. The popular spot was bustling when she walked in. She could see Bonnie and Fayanna talking to Elena while Alaric was sitting at the bar grading papers with Damon hanging around him.

Arden was sitting at her own table talking with Savanna and Brady. It's not like she was purposely ignoring everyone, she was just on a mission to speak to her brother, who wasn't even there yet.

Gala took a seat at the bar gaining the attention of both Damon and Alaric, just as Zoe walked out of the kitchen.

"Zoe! My beautiful friend!" Gala smiled brightly at the blonde like she didn't just see her that morning.

"Your usual?" Zoe questioned earning a nod. "Food or alcohol."

"Both! Please." Zoe was quick to hand over a glass so Gala could grab a drink of her choice from the bottles that lined the bar.

"Come on Ric. I can't drink all these on my own." Gala had turned to Damon once her drink was full. "I mean, I can, but then somebody's getting naked."

Gala watched as he made flirty eyes at Zoe but couldn't help to laugh as the blonde wolf rolled her eyes and pretended to gag at the possibility of Damon. Whom looked offended.

"Come on Damon, I'll drink with you." Gala said pulling his attention to her as she sipped her drink.

"I literally tried to kill you brother last night. Why would you want to drink with me?" Damon questioned.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now