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Morning came quickly, far too quickly for Gala's liking. But she got dressed anyways before heading downstairs.

The mansion was littered with their hybrids, packing everything carefully. Zoe was helping Klaus packing his paintings as when Gala entered the room.

"I'm surprised you came back last night." Klaus said when sensed the presence of his sister.

"Well, with Alaric dying, I wanted to give Jeremy time to mourn with his sister" Gala admitted as she made her way over to stand next to the crate that contained Klaus' paintings. "But I'm about to head over there anyways, to see if there is anything that I can do."

"Have you packed?" Klaus asked her.

But before she she could tell him she wasn't going with them, Rebekah entered the room. The original vampire locked startled as she saw her siblings whom turned to look at her.

"What's wrong Bekah?" Gala asked her younger sister.

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me." Rebekah said looking between her siblings.

"Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead." Klaus said looking up to his sister.

"Well, he's not and he's a vampire, thanks to mother's spell with a white oaks stake that can't kill him. He's stronger Nik, too strong."

"But he said he wasn't turning, that he would be too dangerous." Gala said, remembering the conversation she had with Jeremy when she dropped him off at his house the night prior. "Unless it was one of the witches."

"What are you talking about?" Zoe questioned her friend, worry settling in at the thought of the three in danger.

"Our mother is dead and on the other side now. She, or any of their ancestors, could have possessed one of the Bennett witches to make sure he actually transformed." Gala explained her thought.

"Where is he now?" Klaus asked Rebekah after listening to Gala.

"Stuck at school without a daylight ring. But as night falls, he'll come after us. We need to leave, now." Rebekah told him and as much as Gala agreed on needing to leave town, she wasn't ready, not yet.

"Fine. I'll collect Elena and we'll be on our way." Klaus said placing the painting he was holding, in the box.

"Are you serious Nik?" Gala's eyes wide. "There's someone out there that is strong enough to kill all of us and you're still worried about your hybrids?"

"You don't need anymore hybrids." Rebekah agreed with her sister.

"What i need is protection from Esther's continued assaults against us." Klaus said to them.

"We'll protect each other. Like we always have." Rebekah said stepping further into the room. "Always and forever."

"I'm not leaving without her." Klaus said.

"Well you're not leaving with her either." Gala said crossing her arms.

"And what? Are you going to stop me?" Klaus glared at her.

Gala sent him a smirk before disappearing from her spot. She ended up on the front porch of the Gilbert home, quickly knocking on the door.

Damon was the one to open the door, eyebrows furrowed realizing who it was. Gala pushed the door open, entering the home without an invitation.

"We've got a problem." Gala said out loud once she saw Stefan and Bonnie.

"If you're talking about Alaric we already know." Stefan said looking over to her.

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