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Gala couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. Night had fallen, and an eerie feeling fell over the festival. She stopped in her tracks and looked around the crowd of people. Something wasn't right.

Her eyes fell on the raven-haired vampire for the first time since her encounter with the doppelgänger. Damon was on a mission and Gala needed to know what it was. So, she made her way to him and feel in step with him.

"Somethings happening." She stated, gaining his attention.

"Yeah." He said not looking at her. "Long story short. There was a tomb full of vampires from 1864. Now there out and want revenge on the founding families for putting them in there. Come on."

She followed him knowing Damon was going to need her help. Pulling the hair band from around her wrist, she tied her hair into a knot on top of her head getting ready for the fight that she knew was coming.

"Ric." Damon called out. A handsome blonde male turned around at the sound of his name. He looked at Damon before seeing the blonde beside him.

"Yeah." He said as he looked back at Damon.

"Come here." Damon said as he pulled Ric from the crowd he was standing in. "You keep those nifty little vampire weapons in the car?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Ric spoke giving a side eye to the new girl, not knowing if she was a part of this or not.

"Because this square is crawling with the tomb vampires none of you thought to kill before they could wreak havoc on this town." She answered before Damon could.

"And I think we might need a stake or two." Damon finished.

"Yeah. Got it." Ric whispered before walking away.

"Now what?" Gala asked as she placed her hands on her hips and looked up at Damon. "Now we tell my brother." He said looking over head.

Gala looked over her shoulder to see Elena walking hand in hand with the younger Salvatore brother. She made her way to the couple with Damon behind her. She intertwined her arm with Elena's which gained her a confused look from both Elena and Stefan.

"Hello again Elena." She greeted. "Nice to see you again Stefan." She said smiling at the vampire.

"Do I know you?"

"What are you doing Gala?"

Elena and Stefan questioned at the same time. Though, she ignored Stefan as she answered Elena.

"Saving your life." She answered as Damon wrapped an arm around her to make it look like they were on a double date. Gala really didn't care.

"Fifteen words or less, tomb vamps are here." Damon spoke up causing them to stop and for Stefan to look around the festival.

"Founding families are the target."

"Get her out of here. Now." Damon finished before walking away.

"Wait, wait. Wait, where are you going?" Stefan questioned as Damon walked away.

"That's more than 15 words, Stefan."

Gala watched as Damon walked away. Stefan turned back to Elena as Gala stood beside the couple debating if she should follow Damon or not.

"Can you explain what's going on?" Elena asked looking towards the new vampire in town.

But Gala didn't answer as she chased after Damon. She was the strongest one out here, she might as well be in the thick of things. She called after Damon, but he ignored her as he made his way to the Grayson Clinic.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now