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"I want to thank you." Gala paused, fork full of pasta half way to her mouth, look up and across to Fayanna. Her and Fay had taken the afternoon to enjoy a late lunch and catch up on the night of the full moon.

"What do you mean?" Gala questioned as she set her fork down to give her friend her undivided attention.

"This necklace." Fay said pulling out a red crystal shaped like an egg. "And the power of the full moon gave me enough strength and power to help both Tyler and Arden. I couldn't take the pain away completely, but it was enough for them to get through the transformation."

"That's good. Next time though, don't take as much pain away." She said finally taking a bite of her food as well as gaining a look of confusion from the Bennett witch. "They're wolves Fay, they were born to transform. They need to understand the ways of being a wolf, including the pain that comes when transforming."

"They're my friends, I can't have them hurting like that." Fay argued.

"I'm not asking you not to help them. Though they need to get used to the pain, you will not always be there to assist them. And keep the crystal for now, I don't need it." Gala said to the witch.

Fay thanked the vampire before securing the necklace around her neck. Before the two could continue their meal, a shadow loomed over the two causing them both to look up. Arden Lockwood stood there in her pearls and with a smile on her face.

"A little birdie told me you were the one to thank." Arden spoke before sliding into the booth beside Fay and looking up to the vampire. Gala's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked at the girl. "I'm not to sure about the details but I know you helped Fay with helping us. Tyler and I would have been in a far worse position if Fay had not helped."

"I've spent the last few centuries helping anyone I can regardless the species and I'm honored to have you on the list." Gala said before catching Fay shaking her head in a no fashion.

"Centuries?" Arden asked with a tilt of her head. Gala cursed herself as she saw the realization cross the werewolf's features. "You're a vampire. But Tyler told me it was only Caroline."

"That's because Tyler doesn't know." Gala sighed, running her hands through her hair.

"And Damon Salvatore didn't want you to know either." Fay said slowly gaging her friends reaction. "Look there is a lot going on."

"And I can explain everything, just not here not in public." Gala said.

"Alright, just tell me one thing. Is everyone involved? As in all our friends?" Arden questioned the two.

"Everyone but Matt. We are trying to keep him in the dark, but I figured by the end of everything he will know." Gala said finishing up her food.

"Actually, Matt knows I'm a witch." Fay said causing Gala's eyes to go wide. "He was hurt and moping over Caroline and I wanted to comfort him and take his mind off of everything, so I ended up telling him I was a witch. But that is all he knows."

"Alright, then I'm in. Whatever it may be, I will protect everyone I love." Arden said before standing up. "But first I'm going to need all the information."

Gala looked at Fayanna. They shared a look before silently agreeing.


"So, let me get this straight." Arden said as she paced the living room floor of Gala's apartment. "You, the Salvatore brothers and Caroline are vampires, Tyler and I are werewolves, Bonnie and Faye are witches and Elena is a doppelgänger." Gala nodded.

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