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The night was in full swing as Gala stood on stage in her maroon colored dress with silver sequins, singing a tune with Gloria as the house band was playing behind them. The vampire had been pulled up on stage by the witch as soon as she was spotted, and Gala wasn't one to refuse when all eyes were on her.

"Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies?" Gloria spoke causing Gala's attention to turn in the direction the witch had been looking. "Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?"

Her undead heart had stopped as she spotted the brunette from 1863 looking no older then the night she left him. Vampirism was something that she didn't want for him, which was what made it easy for her to leave when the town found out about her.

"Save me a dance, Gloria." Stefan called out as he sent a smirk towards Gala as she continued to sing and dance along to the music.

Though Gala's eyes never left the man she once loved as he made his way down the steps and through the crowd, not even when Rebekah snatched the champagne off the tray before he could. Or their exchange of words before Rebekah had stepped forward and licked the blood from the side of his mouth.

Gala's face was set into a glare as she watched her sister walk away. Stefan had turned and looked at the blonde on stage only to smirk as he saw her reaction before he continued on his way.

"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan." Klaus' voice pulled her from the daydream of memories she was having causing her to shift uncomfortably in her seat between the two, before following after her brother.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked as he followed Gala out of the SUV who was now standing beside her brother as he pulled open the warehouse door.

"I know how much you loved it here. Brining back memories of the good old ripper days." Gala rolled her eyes at her brother as the view of the city blessed her eyes.

"Blocked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur."

"Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend."

"Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort." Klaus started his story. "It was prohibition. Everything was off limit's then, which made everything so much fun."

Gala couldn't help but remember those night. The dancing, the singing, the partying. She wasn't quite as careful about her vampirism as she is now. After leaving Mystic Falls in 1863, she had headed back to her brother and stayed with him for decades. And when she was with him she would drink herself numb, killing the people, just to block the memories of that town.

"Nik likes to think Chicago was magical." Gala said shifting on her feet.

"And for you?" he questioned his friend.

"For me?" She said looking over to the male. "It was painful."

"Well, I'll have to take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember much of it."

"Ready to get down to business, then?" Klaus said as he shut the door to the warehouse.

"Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan questioned.

"One thing you will learn about my brother is he just doesn't give up. His hybrids failed, now he wants to know why." Gala gave Stefan a pointed looked.

"Which is why we're going to see my favorite witch." Klaus said. "If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her."

Gala knew she could easily find the solution to her brothers problem. But the solution most likely involved Elena and she was not ready for her brother to find out the doppelgänger was alive, so she kept her mouth shut about having her powers once again and climbed back into the SUV, this time in the front seat.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now