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Gala found herself in the grill once again, though this time she felt like she was amongst friends. She laughed as Caroline talked about nothing. Smiled at Jeremy when she caught him looking at her before looking at Fay whose smile diminished as Caroline reverted back to the topic of Matt.

She knew that look, she had it on the rare occasions that her and her sister shared an interest in the same guy. But like the good sister she was, she let Rebekah have them. Fay had fallen for Matt when she was comforting him over Caroline.

Gala reached out underneath the table and squeezed her friend's hand, giving her a sympathetic smile. Fay gave a sad smile. It was apparent that there was only one person that knew of her feelings, even if she hadn't admitted to anyone.

"When you want to talk, I'm here." She whispered to the witch.

"I'm fine." The witch gave a tight-lipped smile as she gave a reassuring squeeze to Gala's hand before letting go.

Gala gave a nod before turning her attention back to the table only to see Bonnie had disappeared and in her seat was sitting Brady Hastings. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she looked over to Caroline and Jeremy.

"Apparently, Brady and Bonnie have gotten close these last couple of weeks." Caroline said as she glared the guy down with her arms crossed. "Which is news all of us."

"Well Bonnie and I talked, we agreed we would come forward once I was willing to be all in. And I'm willing to be all in." He said determined.

"What do you mean all in?" Caroline continued to grill him.

"I mean I'm gonna help protect Elena who is the doppelgänger." He said causing Gala's eyes to go wide. Gala was surprised that Bonnie would even divulge this type of information.

"How much do you know?"

"How can you help?"

Gala and Caroline asked at the same time. She was sure he could help, the more people they could trust would be better. And right now, all they had was there little group of friends.

"I know enough. And Gala knows I can help." He said before looking over his shoulder.

"He triggered his werewolf curse." She said as she followed his line of sight to see him looking at Bonnie.

Bonnie had made her way over to the pool table holding a cup. But what surprised her was Luka, standing in front of her as he abandoned his pool stick.

"Time to shine." Brady said as he stood, Fay followed his actions. Gala watched as the two made their way over to Bonnie and Luka whom was hunched over holding on to is head.

"What did I miss?" Gala questioned as she looked over to Caroline.

"A lot." She said as she to stood and made her way after the group.

"I think Bonnie is trying to get the answers she wants." Jeremy spoke up. "As in the plan the Martins have with Elijah."

"They're not gonna like the plan." Gala said as she stood, Jeremy following her.

"I know. But maybe it's time for them to know." Jeremy said grabbing her arm to stop her from going after the group had already disappeared.

"They are not going to take it well. All Elena wanted was all her friends to be safe and when they find out..." she trailed of not really knowing how to finish.

"Everything is going to be fine." Jeremy said pulling the girl into his chest, wrapping his arms around her. "It will all work out in the end."

"I hope you are right." She let out a sigh before pulling away.

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