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After a long night catching up with Jeremy, the next day Gala found herself in the Smokey Mountains. Not the place she wanted to be considering she had just gotten back to town and her brother was in said mountain range. But Elena was on a mission to save her boyfriend and Damon was on a mission to do anything to make Elena happy.

Gala followed behind Damon as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. He came to a stop as she dropped her arms but before she could question him he sped off; she was quick to follow. When she came to a stop, she saw Alaric standing next to Damon and Elena standing in the river with her arms crossed.

"Well isn't this a sight?" Gala laughed.

"I'm not getting out of this water?" Elena glared at the trio. "How are you guys even here?"

"Thanks for the tip brother." Damon said over his shoulder towards Alaric. "And if you think I am going to scale a mountain full of werewolves without her you are highly mistaken."

"You sold me out." Elena accused Ric.

"You'd think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves without backup?" Ric questioned her.

Gala crossed her arms and watched on as Damon demanded Elena to get out of the water. Though she was being stubborn which was nothing new to the small group standing beside the river.

"If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home." Elena stated.

"Of course we would make you go home Elena!" Gala said exasperated. "Klaus thinks you're dead. And right now we are so close to him we are lucky he hasn't sniffed you out yet."

"You gave up on him Damon." Elena ignored Gala as she focused on the male.

"I didn't give up on him Elena. I faced reality. Now get out of the water." Damon said getting closer.


Gala rolled her eyes having had enough of the couple arguing. She lifted her arm and muttered a spell causing Elena to start levitating out of the water and towards the group. She screamed at being pulled through the air, as Damon looked on in shock between the two girls.

Gala dropped the girl from the air right of above Damon who easily caught her. Elena clutched the man tightly taking deep breaths before realizing what she was doing and roughly pushing him away as she jumped down.

"What the hell was that?" Damon questioned the blonde.

"That was me getting fed up with Elena not getting out of the water." She glared at the human.

"Since when did you have magic?" Elena questioned with a look of confusion.

"The night of the sacrifice. Not only did it break our werewolf curse it released my magic. It's how I saved Jeremy as well."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Elena questioned.

"I'm surprised you didn't know. I mean Jeremy knew. As well as Ric, Bonnie, and Fay." Gala explained with a shrug. "Now, care to explain what your big plan is?"

"My plan is find him and help him," Elena said as it was that easy, but it wasn't. "This is the closest that we've been to him since he left. I'm not going home."

"Okay fine. If you want to go on this suicide mission then so be it. But im telling you right now if Klaus finds out about you being alive and on this mountain than not only will he kill you, but he will also kill the three of them and there is nothing I will be able to do about it." Gala explained with her hands placed on her hips. "And we are out of here before dark."


Gala took her time leading the small group through the field heading for the tree line, wanting to hold off the inevitable for as long as possible.

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