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Gala was on the verge of freaking out. Not only did Katherine escape death once again by linking herself to Elena, but both Tyler and Arden triggered their curses the night of the masquerade party. Katherine's plan was in motion and Gala knew it was only a matter if time before either of her brothers showed up.

She shouldered her bag as she made her way through the crowd of teenagers, heading for a picnic table since it was her free period. A hand shot out and grabbed her arm before she could take a seat.

"Have you seen Elena?" She turned to see the hand and voice belonging to Jeremy Gilbert. "She didn't come home last night, and Stefan said she wasn't at his place."

"No, I haven't." She said before looking through the crowd, hoping they just over looked.

Her eyes landed on the Salvatore brothers though. She focused her hearing on them listening to their conversation.

"This had Katherine written all over it." she heard Stefan tell his older brother.

"Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me I'm the one that shut her in." Damon said.

"Did you?"

"Did I what, Stefan?"

"Well, I know the hold that Katherine had on you."

"She's in the tomb. Period. End of story. But she did say something to me right before I shut her in." Her ears perked as she continued to stare at them. "I thought she was lying."

"What did she say?" Stefan asked.

"Elena's in danger. And not to trust Gala."

Shit. Gala looked away from the duo and back to Jeremy whom looked worried. Everything was about to hit the fan, she just had to get in front of it to control where it went.

"We need to talk." She said grabbing his hand, pulling him away.

"Where are we going?"

Gala ignored him as she pulled him through the crowded hall, looking for a quiet spot or empty class room. After spotting Alaric down the hall talking to another teacher, she knew his classroom would be empty at the moment. She made a bee line for that classroom.

She pulled Jeremy in and shut the door behind them. She let her bag fall to the floor before turning to the male she had dragged with her, he still had a confused look on his face. She took a deep breath, afraid how he will react.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" he questioned as he dropped his bookbag as well.

"Some time between last night and now, Elena was taken. And she is in very serious trouble right now." She answered. "We are also going to have to find her as soon as possible or things is going to get ugly sooner than I was planning."

"What? Who took her?" he demanded as he stepped closer.

"I'm not too sure." She admitted. "But I'm pretty sure whom ever took her plans on trading her life for their freedom...from my family." His eyes went wide at her confession.

"What are you talking about?" he demanded.

"When I'm away from my family I use a different last name, which is Monroe." She admitted as she looked up at him. "I drop the name Mikaelson when I'm on my own because of the reputation that is associated with it, I didn't lie when I said I like to feel human. That name doesn't let me feel that way because my family it incredibly ruthless in every aspect of being a vampire.

For centuries, my family has killed vampires, werewolves, witches, and humans, whether they were innocent or not. Some people were able get away from the wrath of me and my family, some not so much. The ones that did get away, run, some have been running for centuries."

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