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Gala didn't do much after leaving her brother and Stefan. She enjoyed her walk around town and a slice of pizza, or three. She spoke with Jeremy explaining everything that was currently going on starting with her being in Chicago but promised to be home before the start of the new school year. Before making her way back towards Gloria's bar to hopefully enjoy a peaceful glass of bourbon.

But upon entering the bar, she could see Stefan and Klaus sitting at the bar. Making her way over, she plopped herself down on the stool next to the two, taking the bottle of bourbon from her brother and poured it into the glass that Gloria had sat down.

"So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire?" Stefan questioned.

"All good things must come to an end."

Gala sat beside her brother and sipped from her glass as she watched her sister dance with Stefan.

"They better be glad you aren't a witch anymore." Klaus said gaining his sisters attention. "Otherwise they would be on the floor in pain or burning to death."

"Well what can I say. The two make me sick." She mumbled as she downed her drink in a very unladylike way.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I talked about that man for the better part of five years after I left Mystic Falls. I told her all bout the passion, the love, how I would have stayed longer if I hadn't been found out about. I loved him with everything I had and now he is wrapped around my sister."

"Maybe he didn't know." Klaus tried to reason.

"He did. They both did."

Klaus gave her a said smile and wrapped his arm around her, giving her a comforting hug. Before the two went stiff. The hair on the back of Gala's neck stood up causing her to look around the club.

"Nik. He's here." Gala whispered.

But just as she words escaped her lips the sound of gunshots echo through the room as bottles began to shatter upon impact of the bullets. The people around the club starting to scream and run for their lives.

"Chicago police!"

"Nik, she's not going to leave him."

"I know."

"Compel Stefan to keep him safe. I'm going to get the dagger and meet you outback."

Klaus nodded at the plan before downing his drinking and making his way through the chaos and shouting for Rebekah. Gala on the other hand made her way out behind the bar and through the kitchen.

The black truck was parked on the curb closest to the back door. She was quick to rush over and pull the door open and opening the glove compartment. The silver dagger was wrapped in a beautiful grey velvet. She pulled the dagger out and shut the door before hiding out of sight.

"We had history?" Stefan questioned Gala as she gulped her drink down before turning back to her brother. "You compelled me to forget."

"It was time for us to move on." Klaus said as he looked over at his sister who poured another drink looking uncomfortable as the talked about the past. "Better to have a clean slate."

"But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks...unless you're running from someone."

"Please Stefan. Just drop it." Gala said as she looked up at him.

"I need another drink." Stefan said sitting his glass down. "A real one."

Gala's eyes followed after him to see Damon standing in the doorway. She rolled her eyes knowing that if Damon was there, so was Elena. She was starting think that the doppelgänger had a death wish no matter how many times she was saves, maybe she thought there would always be someone there to save her.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now