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"How's everything going?"

The moment Gala had turned her back on her brother, she had instructed Peter to take her hybrids out of town and train. She wanted them to be able to fight with their new vampire abilities.

"Your hybrids suck." Ronnie spoke through the phone.

Gala hadn't spoke to the witch turned vampire in over a year. So when she made the call and explained everything, Gala was surprised how quickly Ronnie agreed.

"All but Peter are unconscious." She continued.

"Thank you for doing this. I know we haven't spoke in the last year but I do appreciate you." Gala said as she walked the sidewalk in front of the high school, a black gift bag swinging from her hand.

"Gala, I love you and all, but we do not have to talk everyday for me to do you a favor. You have been far to kind to me over the years."

"Love you too. I've got to go. I'll see you soon." Gala hung up the phone the minute she saw Caroline exit her car.

"Caroline!" Gala called out causing the blonde to turn her head in the her direction. "Happy Birthday!"

"I'm surprised your here." Caroline said giving her friend a hug the moment she stopped in front of her.

"Not for long. I just wanted to give you your birthday present." Gala said handing over the black gift bag.

"I appreciate it, I really do. But I'm not really feeling my birthday this year." Caroline admitted as she glanced over her friends shoulder.

Gala followed her eyes to see Tyler standing of into the distance, watching the two. Patiently waiting for them to be done with their conversation.

"Just take it. You might feel different later." Gala offered it again which she took with a sigh. "I promise you'll love it."

"Thanks." She said weakly.

Gala gave her one more happy birthday before she made her way up to the front of the school. Since she was already at the school she wanted to see Jeremy before she left.

So with a smile on her face, she made her way into the school and down the hall. Passing old classmates and old classrooms as she went.

"Gala!" The feminine voice of Arden caused the vampire to holt her steps and turn to the small group of girls that surrounded a locker.

"Ladies." Gala said seeing the twins and Elena. "That's some nice decorations you got there." 

"Yes. Caroline always said that her birthday was everyone's favorite day of the year." Fayanna explained.

"Yeah. She might not be coming today." Gala said causing them all to snap their head in her direction.

"What do you mean she might not be coming?" Elena questioned before Bonnie could hand over the birthday sign.

"Well she did say she wasn't feeling her birthday this year. So if she came I would be shocked." Gala explained.

"Okay. Well give it until first period. If she's not there, than we will go find her." Fayanna said as she looked at the time on her phone. "Speaking of first period, I have to go or I'm gonna be late."

"Same here." Arden said as the two friends bounded of down the hallway, headed in the same direction.

"And I'm going to go find your brother." Gala said as she pointed in the direction she had originally been headed.

"Gala would you wait for a moment. I wanted to speak with you." Elena said as she took the sign from Bonnie and taping it to the locker.

"I'm gonna head to first period as well." Bonnie said letting the two to talk for a moment. "See you there."

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