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The sun was shining brightly as Elijah made his way around his mother's room. He had been suspicious of her intentions since the night before but after not seeing her or Finn he decided to snoop.

He slowly picked up the sage from the ashtray, realization dawning on him as he twirled it, Esther was doing a privacy spell.

A loud gasp sounded from across the room causing Elijah to be pulled from his thoughts. Gala sat straight up from her spot on the couch, still dressed in her gown from the night before.

"Gala?" He pocketed the sage and moved to his sister in concern. "What are you doing in here?"

"I don't know." She admitted as she looked down at her gown before looking around the room to see it wasn't hers, but it was her mothers.

"The last thing I remember is being in my room doing a spell." Gala said standing from the couch a weird feeling settling in her as looked up at her brother. "Mothers been doing a privacy spell, and I was trying to break it."

"Yeah. She was meeting with Elena." Elijah said as Gala moved around him. She was wanting to get out of her dress but stopped when she saw the remnants of a spell on her mother's table. "She wants to kill Nik. I actually think she wants to kill all of us."

"Elena said mother had forgiven him." Elijah said.

"Well, she lied." Gala said looking through the contents. "Mother had me under a sleeping spell. She must not be here to reinforce it, causing me to wake up."

"Finn must have found you." Elijah realized. "We need to find them. With the full moon tonight, she'll be able to draw from it."

"Let me get changed. And I'll do a locator spell." Gala said before turning and leaving the room.

She didn't take long in the shower. Once she was out and ready, Gala made her way downstairs to find Elijah waiting for her in the sitting room.

"Where is everyone?"

"Rebekah is upstairs cleaning off her night. Niklaus and Kol just left." Elijah explained. "I haven't told them yet. I want to find some thing's out first."

"Okay first, locator spell." That weird feeling settled in her again as she picked up her mother's spelled sage that Elijah handed over.

Gala closed her eyes muttered a spell hoping to get a vision of where she could be, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"What? Did you find where they are?" Elijah questioned as he saw the concerned look on her face before he stood from his spot on the couch.

"Something's wrong." Gala said before looking over at a candle and trying to light it with her magic. But once again nothing happened. "My magic is not working."

"What do you mean?"

"The locator spell didn't work. I can't light that candle over there." Gala said pointing to the candle on the mantle. "Nothing's working."

"We'll figure it out, okay?" He said, trying to reassure her that everything would be okay.


"Elena." Elijah greeted the doppelgänger once the front door was pulled open.


"And Gala." Gala said stepping out from behind Elijah to see the teenager look her way.

"We don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany us." Elijah explained.

"We want to show you something." Gala said giving the girl a fake smile.

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