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After the sacrifice, came the summer months. Which meant one thing for Gala, vacation. She spent two long weeks with Jeremy soaking up the sun on a beach in Barbados only to come home to whisk away Caroline and Elena, much to Elena's reluctance, off to Italy for another two weeks. She gave Bonnie and invitation as well, but she had declined due to visiting her fathers side of the family.

Arden and Fayanna was pleasantly surprised when they received their invite to Paris, but Fay declined as well, leaving Arden and Gala to themselves.

They only had two days left before the long flight back to Mystic Falls and the two friends were getting ready for dinner when her phone finally connected to the one person she was most excited to see when she got back.

"Well don't you look beautiful." Jeremy said once he got the phone situated where he can properly see her and still do his work. "Yeah you definitely need to hurry up and come home."

"Why thank you." She giggled as she pushed the curls off her shoulder exposing the thin strap of her dress. "And just a few more days and I'm all yours."

"Good. Its getting quite boring around here without you."

"I bet." She spoke as she watched him through her phone that she had set across her on the vanity as she finished her makeup. "How's the grill treating you?"

"Well, it's teaching me the value of a mundane human experience." He said as he stepped closer to his phone as she put down her red lipstick.

"A summer job is good for you babe. After everything, you've been through these past few years, something normal is good. And I know you hate it, but a summer job is normal." Gala finished just as the lights flickered on his end. "What was that?"

"Nothing." Lie. Gala could tell something was wrong. "Look, I got to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon, ok?"

"Wait Jeremy? Is everything okay?" Gala questioned, concern lacing her voice as she stood from the vanity and grabbing her phone to bring it closer to her.

"Yeah, normal and mundane. I love you. Get home soon." He said and hung up before Gala could reply.

Gala let out a deep sigh as she placed her phone back down and looked up to see Arden dressed in a black dress with her signature pearls that always sat upon her neck, heels in hand like she was about to put the red bottoms on.

"Trouble in paradise?" she questioned noticing the look of distress on her friends face.

"Jeremy just lied to my face. Something is going on with him back home."

"Alright lets go." Arden said as she placed her shoes on and headed to the closet that she had placed her suitcase in as well as the new one she had to buy for all the new clothes she had bought.

"What are you doing?" Gala questioned with furrowed brows as she watched her friend.

"I am packing our suitcases. You are going to call the restaurant and cancel our reservations and then call your pilot to tell him we are heading home early." Arden answered as she handed Gala her phone back.

"We don't have to leave. I can deal with whatever is going on with Jeremy in a few days." Gala tried to reassure her friend, not wanting to cut the trip early just for herself.

"I know. I also know you miss him and are worried about him" she said as started neatly placing her clothes in her bags. "And truth be told, I don't want to face the wrath of Caroline for missing Elena's birthday."

"Elena would forgive us; therefore Caroline would forgive us." Gala said but nonetheless dialed the number to the restaurant as Arden continued to pack.

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