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(her decade dance inspired look^^)

"What did Bonnie tell you?"

Once everyone had left and Elena had an unexpected visitor, Isobel, Gala burrowed herself deep down in the covers and in the embrace of Jeremy Gilbert. This place had become her favorite in the last few months.

"Not to get in her way." Gala looked up to meet Jeremy's eyes. "That she knew how to kill an original and that if I got in her way, she would take me out too."

"But you been nothing but nice to her." Jeremy said frowning at her. "You've helped Fay. You even helped her other friends. I just don't understand why she would threaten you."

"Honestly I thinks It's because I haven't told her everything."

Gala stayed to herself most of the day with Jeremy by her side. They stayed indoors, Jeremy teaching her to play the Xbox and Gala getting frustrated with the game and taking that frustration out on his lips, which he did not complain.

It wasn't until the next did she find out about everything that had happened. Isobel "killing" John to create a distraction so she can kidnap Elena, Bonnie and Damon finding the sight of a hundred dead witches so Bonnie and Fay could take down her brother, and Matt finding out about vampires before Caroline compelled him to forget.

But for once Gala was happy, she wasn't part of the drama, she was happy to be a teenager for a day.

"So, your telling me that the Salvatore's gave you their house?" Gala questioned Elena as she made her way into their shared history class.

"Yeah, they said Isobel had the right idea about having a safe house." Elena explained as they took their seat near one another. "So, this morning they signed the deed over to me."

Honestly, Gala was not surprised. Everyone had been busting their butt trying to keep Elena safe.  Though, it didn't stop Elena from trying to be normal, hence the flyer that was thrust in front of her face. Gala groaned at the flyer of the decade dance, the 60s was not her favorite decade.

"Why the sixties? The sixties sucked." Gala said handing the flyer back. "Next time tell Caroline to try the twenties. That was a great decade."

"Maybe, but you're going." Elena said taking the flyer back. "Whether I have to drag you myself."

Gala chuckled as Alric made his presences known.

"Hello, class." He said setting papers down on his desk. "What are we learning today?"

"With the decade dance this week, we've been covering the sixties all week." Dana, one of Gala's classmates answered.

"Right." He agreed.

Gala zoned out as Ric began to ramble on about the sixties, between walking on the moon and the Cuban missile crisis. But what brought her back was when he mentioned Watergate. She noticed his voice wasn't as strong as it would normally be when he taught their class.

And he wasn't explaining what anything was. He was just naming topics, something Ric wouldn't do. But what really unsettled her was the smile he gave when he thanked Elena for correcting him.

Then it clicked. She knew her brother like the back of her hand, she knew his favorite trick was to have a witch place himself in the body of another person. To get close to his enemies without them knowing what he truly looks like.

Alaric Saltzman was Klaus Mikaelson.


Gala had a bounce in her step as she spotted the youngest Gilbert in the cafeteria, her pace quicken though when she saw him in a heated argument with Brady and the Bennett witches.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now