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"Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, well next time I won't miss." She growled twisting the stake further into Damon's stomach before breaking it in two, leaving the sharpened end in place.

"You were dead. I killed you." He growled out as he groaned in pain, falling to the floor.

"Listen to me Damon," Gala said as she kneeled down to be face to face to him. "Klaus is real. My brother will come for Elena and your best bet is to have me on your side. Got it?"

Gala watched as Damon nodded before giving a satisfied smile. She stood from her position and walked back towards Jeremy whom stood under the arch way in front of the front door.

"You were right, that was very satisfying." He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking out of the Salvatore boarding house.


Gala kept replaying the events from the day before through her head. Staking Damon in the stomach for killing her as well as the argument that transpired between her and Bonnie and Fayanna Bennett. No matter how many times Gala told them she was there to help and apologized about how she wasn't honest with them, she couldn't help but get the feeling that Bonnie didn't trust her anymore, what little trust there was.

As well as seeing her brother Elijah sitting in her apartment when she returned home. He finally came clean about what he was planning. Wanting to save Elena, how he was working with a warlock because Klaus had his daughter, and how he was planning to kill Klaus because he buried their siblings at sea.

That was news to Gala. She knew that her brother could be ruthless and that he had daggered their siblings but to actually bury them in the ocean. She had to downed two bottles of bourbon and her stock on blood bags in the fridge to get over the image of her brother smiling as he dumped them into the ocean.

To say the least, when she walked into the boarding house the next day, she had the sunglasses over her eyes and hair thrown up into a messy bun on top of her head. Bonnie, Jeremy, and the Salvatore brothers where already standing in the parlor.

"I see you got the stake out." Gala said looking at Damon.

"No thanks to you." He said through gritted teeth as he sipped his bourbon.

"What are you doing here?" asked Bonnie as Jeremy wrapped his arms around the vampire planting a kiss on her head.

"We need her Bonnie." Stefan said, glad she came despite Damon killing her. "She's older than Katherine therefore stronger and faster. If we have any shot of getting the moonstone from Katherine, it's with her help."

"Okay fine. But I don't trust you." Bonnie said glaring at her, before turning back to the brothers. "And I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to grab the moonstone from Katherine."

"How? It took both you and your grams last time and look what happened to her." Jeremy said.

"He's right Bonnie." Gala said receiving another glare. "Glare and hate me all you want, but you are going to need help. You will need Faye and me."

"Why would I need you?" Bonnie asked.

"Because I don't kill easily. You channel another vampire or even a witch you can kill them and/or yourself. And I don't want that for you." Gala said looking Bonnie in the eyes. She could see the glare fade a little on her face before Bonnie looked at Jeremy.

"And I'm well aware of what happened. How will you get it?" Bonnie asked the brothers.

"She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker. We're not." Stefan as he motioned towards Damon whom lifted a glass of blood.

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