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Gala made her way through the hallway quietly towards Alarics classroom, hoping her boots wouldn't make a sound.

The sound of rushed steps made her perk up. Caroline came running through the open doors causing Gala to run up to her and placing a hand over her mouth so the startled vampire wouldn't scream.

"Caroline, it's me." Gala said quickly trying to get her to focus and calm down. "You're okay. We'll save Elena and Arden, okay? Just get home and stay inside. Okay?"

Gala had already let go of Caroline. The vampire nodded before rushing off and out of the school, doing what Gala said.

Gala disappeared from her spot as she heard the commotion going on. Instead of going to inspect, she stuck to the plan. Now that Caroline was safe she needed to get to Arden and Elena.

She rushed into the classroom to see Arden tied down to the chair, a gag in her mouth that made her skin sizzle in pain. Her hands were stuck to the desk with pencil. An overkill for a werewolf if you asked Gala.

"Okay. I'm here. Let's get you out." Gala said quietly, not to alert Alaric.

Gala pulled the pencils from the girls hand first before untying the rope that held her to the desk. Gala quickly pulled the gag from her mouth, ignoring any pain that it may have caused.

Arden's head rolled to the side in exhaustion, landing on Gala's shoulder. The hybrid was quick to bite into her wrist before shoving it into Arden's mouth, letting her heal a little quicker.

"Come on, let's get you home." Gala wrapped her arm around the wolf, helping her stand. But she was quick to pick her up as the wolf's knees gave out on her.

Gala made her way down the hallway, coming to a stop where all the commotion was coming from. But what made her stop was the sight of Alaric on top of her brother with the stake pointed at his heart and Elena standing in the middle of the hallway with a knife to her throat.

"Put it down Elena." Alaric said.

"Gala get out of here." Klaus grunted out, but she stood frozen.

"Why? Because you still need me alive?" Elena asked him as things finally made sense to her. "There's a reason why Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal. So she tied your life to a human one...mine. That's why, you have only one lifespan to kill all vampires, and the you'll be gone. So, when I die, you die too."

"Gala." Klaus grunted out, gaining her attention again. "Leave."

Gala did as she was told that time. She readjusted her grip on Arden before disappearing from the school. She didn't stop until she reached the Mikaelson mansion.

"Whoa." Tyler said dropping the box upon seeing his sister. "What the hell happened?"

"I'm okay, Ty." Arden said trying to force a smile. "I just want to sleep for a few weeks."

"Alaric happened." Gala told him.

"Come on, there still a couch in here." Tyler said ushering her further into the mansion.

Gala let out a deep breath as she watched Brady follow the siblings and her hybrids continued packing up the house. She made her way to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge, pulling out a couple of blood bags.

She listened as the front door kept opening and closing before sinking her fangs into the bag. Gala drank greedily before tearing into the second one. She threw the bags away before making her way to the parlor, grabbing the bourbon and ignoring a glass before chugging.

"You should know." Klaus said making himself known, causing Gala to spin on her heel to see him. She dropped the bottle and rushed to him, throwing her arms around him, happy to see that he was still alive. "I'm draining Elena of her blood."

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