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Mystic Falls Historical Society Volunteer Day, a day were the townsfolk came together to build a park. Though, Gala wasn't outside helping her new-found friends. Instead she was eating fries and finishing her picture for art class.

The picture was of a wolf pack, eight different wolves were already drawn. Two stood tall front and center, three were lying down on the left side, and the other three were sitting on the right. Now, came the rest, the trees and boulders that would make up the back ground with the full moon high in the sky and the shading.

Jeremy sat across from her as he also drew in his notebook and occasionally stole her fries. They had met up outside her apartment and made their way to The Grill where they were currently seated. She would catch him look up at her every know and then as well as Tyler Lockwood, whom sat a few tables away.

"How much do you know about werewolves?" he finally asked looking up at her once again. Elena had told him to stay out of it, but he didn't want to when everyone he knows is wrapped up in it whether they knew it or not.

"Werewolves or Tyler Lockwood?" she asked looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Either one." He said finishing off the fries that were in the basket.

"Well, werewolves aren't as extinct as vampires like to think. They like to keep to themselves or their kind, in small towns and deep in the woods. The mountains are good as well as are the plains out west. And their venom is extremely dangerous to vampires." She told him

"How dangerous?" he questioned as he listened to the new information.

"Deadly. One bite from a werewolf, or even a nip, can kill a vampire." She told him as she closed her notebook and crossed her arms as she laid them on the table.

"And Tyler?" he questioned looking over at the brunette before back to the girl in front of him.

"Tyler is an untriggered werewolf, as is his sister Arden."

"And how do they trigger the werewolf gene?"

"To activate the curse, you have to kill someone, whether it was on accident or purpose."

"And since Tyler nor Arden has never killed anyone, they are not werewolves, their still human."

Gala nodded as she watched Jeremy look over at Tyler once again. She liked that he was curious, that he was asking all these questions, because the more he knew the better he could protect himself.

"What about their Uncle Mason?" he questioned as he looked back towards the vampire he had grown close to.

"He is a full-blown werewolf. A triggered wolf's scent is stronger compared to an untriggered wolf." His eyes went wide causing her to laugh. "Yes, I can tell the difference between a triggered and untriggered werewolf just by scent."

Jeremy relaxed for a moment before closing his notebook and standing up, grabbing her notebook as well, making sure that she would follow him, before walking over towards Tyler. Gala's eyes went wide before quickly following him, after throwing money down on their table.

"Hey, man, how have you been?" Jeremy asked taking a seat across from the Lockwood.

"Since when?" Tyler snipped as he looked up at Jeremy. He watched as Gala stood next to the boy before focusing back on Jeremy.

"I don't know. I haven't seen you much since your father's funeral. I just figured that maybe you—"

"I'm fine, Gilbert." Tyler said cutting him off.

"Yeah, okay. Come on Gala." He said standing turning to leave.

"Wait. Hold up." Tyler called causing the two to stop in their tracks and turn back to him.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now