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"There has to be more to this dress." Rebekah said inside the dressing room. Klaus and Stefan occupied two chairs as they sipped champagne, Gala no where in sight.

"There's not." Klaus answered. Before Rebekah exited in a short black dress.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then? You know I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today can wear nothing." Klaus told her.

"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."

"It's dance music." Stefan told her.

"People dance to this. And where is Gala?" Rebekah asked looking between the two men. "I figured after daggering me she would be begging for forgiveness."

"I don't know where she is. Are we done?" Klaus questioned her.

Gala on the other hand was miles and miles away. She had spent the entire night driving to Mystic Falls. She knew she could have done a spell or called the Bennett twins to do the work. But she was ready to be home.

Stefan had been texting her updates or mostly just complaining about leaving him with her siblings. But it wasn't until she was five minutes away from the Gilbert home that the texts were more frequent. He was telling to hurry up, that Gloria had just finished setting up. How Rebekah had just offered herself up to be channeled.

Gala threw the car in park before rushing up to the front steps and through the front door. She passed Jeremy who was coming down the stairs as she heard Elena talking the Bennett sisters and Caroline in the kitchen. She came to a stop as she was hit with a bit of déjà vu as she rounded the corner, the smell of the Gilbert chili was never her favorite.

"Gala." Jeremy called as he followed after her causing the girls to look up.

"Necklace." Gala said moving towards Elena. "I need your necklace."

"What? Why?" Elena questioned as she took a step back from the approaching girl.

"No time to explain." Gala reached forward as Elena went to pull the necklace off.

But was to late. The necklace burned a circle into her skin causing her to scream out in pain. Elena finally pulled the necklace off and Gala took it into he hand, placing her other over it she muttered spell after spell.

She was trying to block any magic that was coming through. She was getting glimpses of Gloria and Rebekah. Her sister sitting on a table, her hand in Gloria's as she tries to find the locket. She could see Stefan's worried face as Klaus just stood waiting on his answered that he craved.

"Okay. It should be good for a few hours." Gala said holding the necklace up, letting it dangle in front of herself. "The spell will need to be reinforced though."

"What the hell just happened?" Bonnie questioned as Elena took the necklace.

"My brother is trying to find that necklace. He had a witch look for it, which is why it burned you." Gala explained.

"And why does Klaus want my necklace?" Elena questioned.

"It's supposed to give him answers from the person that it originally belonged to." Gala explained causing the girls to grow even more curious.

But Gala didn't care any longer. Her job was done so she turned on her spot and locked eyes with Jeremy. A smile graces her face as she moved around the island in the kitchen and jumped into his arms. He held her tightly as she wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her head into his neck breathing him in.

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