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To say Gala was pissed was an understatement. Her and a Jeremy was supposed to have their official first date before senior prank night but he was a no show. And to top off her anger, he was not answering his phone either.

So, after Caroline's and Arden's constant texts, Gala found herself approaching the high school. She pulled up only to see an all too familiar moving truck. She exited her own car to rush over, seeing Stefan dead on the ground, a crowbar stuck out of his stomach.

Taking a moment to grab a hold of the crow bar, she wrenched it from his stomach, dropping the bar before rushing towards the school. He was fine, he would wake up soon.

She made her way through the hallways, focusing her hearing on the voice of her brother. Find her brother, find the problem.

"And if the twins are successful, he'll live through his transition." She heard her brother say. "Go on then. Go fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot. I'll hold on for safe keeping."

Gala pulled the door open causing all heads to turn in her direction. Matt Donovan stood beside the Bennett twins as two high schoolers, that Gala remember from her classes, were standing behind the group. Though her eyes fell to the body on the floor, not surprised someone was already dead.

"Well, well, the traitor has finally arrived." Klaus said seeing his sister.

"Nice to see you too Nik." Gala rolled her eyes, she wasn't really concerned about her brother hurting her. They never really had an abusive sibling relationship.

She walked over to Arden and knelt down beside her, her friends face wet with tears. Gala could see the blood on the side of Tyler's lips only meaning that Klaus was trying to turn him.

She let out a deep breath and knowing they had to find a cure or it would be the end of Tyler himself. And Gala didn't want that for her friends.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger." Rebekah jeered at the brunette. "The original one was much prettier."

Gala stood up and faced her siblings, only to see the Bennett twins and Matt Donovan had already left the scene.

"Really, they look exactly the same." Gala rolled her eyes once again at her sister. The annoyance ran deep.

"So tell me sister, does Elena know you use to date Stefan?" Rebekah smirked causing Elena to raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"You couldn't wait to let that information go, could you?" Rebekah shrugged her shoulders but smirked nonetheless.

"Enough. You too can squabble later." Klaus scolded the two sisters. "Take the wolf-boy elsewhere, would you?"

Rebekah just smiled at the drama she was causing before walking over to Tyler. She grabbed his arm before proceeding to drag him out of the gym.

Arden was quick to get up and follow the blonde. She needed to be by her brothers side. To make sure he did wake up at least.

"Just ignore her." Klaus said to Elena. "Shes a petty little thing."

Gala side eyed her brother as he walked away, only to take a seat on the bleachers. Elena stood still for a moment processing things before looking up at her friend.

"Did you really date a Stefan?" Elena inquired.

"For a bout a year." Gala admitted Elena nodded in understanding. "In 1863."

"Does Jeremy know?" Elena questioned.

"No. Look this isn't really the time and place to have this conversation."

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