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As Klaus left Mystic Falls in the search of Finn, Gala stayed behind to help Rebekah search for the white oak tree.

Though Rebekah's plan didn't really need Gala. So the blonde hybrid stayed home, wallowing in self pity with a bottle of bourbon.

Her hair was pulled back messily as she sat in front of her canvas, the bottle of bourbon in one hand and her phone in the other. She was scrolling through her pictures, trying to find one to paint.

Most of her pictures were from her summer vacations. But her thumb landed on one of her and Jeremy. She quickly downed the last little bit in the bottle before exiting her pictures.

She entered her contacts and let her thumb hover over his name. Gala really missed the guy. All she wanted to do was fall into his arms and listen to him talk about his day or even just nonsense.

Though before she could click on his name, Rebekah's name popped up on her screen.

"What is it Bekah?" Gala questioned after clicking the green icon.

"Meet me at Wickery Bridge." Was all Rebekah said before hanging up.

Gala sighed, placing her phone in her pocket and the empty bottle on a near by end table. She grabbed a jacket that was hanging by the door before leaving the house.

She could see her sister piling pieces of wood as she stepped out of her car.

"Bekah!" Gala called out causing the blonde to look up as she made her way over. "How did you find it?"

"Long story short, Sage." Rebekah admitted. "But I figured you would like to join me in watching it burn."

Gala couldn't help but grin as she watched her sister douse the wood in lighter fluid before striking the lighter and throwing it on to the wood. The hybrid wished she still had her magic, lightening it with her mind would have given her a special kind of joy.

But this was a close second.

The sound of tires screeching caused Gala to turn to look behind her. She could feel the blazing fire on her back as Damon stormed out of his car.

"Your grand plan always seems to get ruined, don't they?" Rebekah taunted the younger vampire. "Sorry to disappoint you. Again."

Gala gave a little finger wave and sent Damon a smirk before she turned on her heel and followed after her sister.

The two climbed into Gala's car but before she could pull off, Gala pulled her vibrating phone from her pocket.

'Found Finn, meet me tomorrow. We'll bring him home.'

"Up for a road trip?" Gala asked her sister as she pulled away from the burning mess on the bridge. "Nik found our dear brother."

"Let's go."


The two sisters had road through the night making it to the busy city the next morning. The sisters stood in the allyway waiting for their brothers to make their grand entrance.

It didn't take long for Finn to come speeding around the corner.

"Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." Rebekah said.

"You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes!" Finn said.

"At least he's not sacrificing himself to make us all extinct." Gala said rolling her eyes at her eldest brother. 

"Oh stay out of this Gala. You don't know what it's like, the dagger doesn't affect you." Finn snapped at her. "Besides you should want us dead just as much. Being a witch, we were natures servants and this goes against everything."

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