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The last few days had been eventful for Gala. She had been helping Fay and Bonnie, no matter how reluctant the latter was, with their magic. She was helping Caroline deal with her mom knowing the truth and she managed to squeeze in time at the Gilbert house to be just a teenager.

But it all seemed to freeze in place when Jeremy told her about the moonstone that Tyler Lockwood had in his possession. The white stone was something she wanted far away from this town and nowhere near Katherine Pierce. If Katherine gets the rock, Gala can kiss her new life here goodbye.

Gala flipped through her dresses to find the perfect dress for the Masquerade party. The charity event was being held at the Lockwood mansion and the entire town was invited. It's also the place they decided to kill Katherine.

After she threatened to kill people until she got the moonstone back, Gala and her friends, minus Elena, came up with the plane to kill the original doppelgänger. Bonnie and Fay were to trap the vampire in an upstairs room, where Stefan and Damon would be waiting to stab her though the heart.

Gala would be "enjoying" the party incase Katherine brought backup. She was taking a huge step in trusting the brothers to kill Katherine. People always said, 'If you want something done right, do it yourself' and most of the time she would.

She paused on a dress that she had for a few months now, but never had a place to wear it. The black fitted dress was covered in lace and had red peeking though on the front, she forgot she had it. Pulling the dress from the rack and grabbing the black heels that sat on a near by stand, she exited the spare room and headed back to the master.

 Pulling the dress from the rack and grabbing the black heels that sat on a near by stand, she exited the spare room and headed back to the master

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Gala had an hour till Jeremy arrived, an hour she would use wisely. 


"Did I tell you how stunning you look tonight?" Jeremy questioned, looking over at her.

They had just arrived at the party, and Gala couldn't contain her smile. Throughout her life she had always loved extravagant parties, she had also loved the bloodshed. But tonight, the only bloodshed she cared about was Katerina Petrova's.

"You did, actually." She said with a giggle. "About five times."

She couldn't help but admire him as he looked around the party, they were waiting on Bonnie and Fay to arrive, which should be in any moment. He was clad in a black suit and a solid black mask with his hair slicked back. He was a beautiful sight and despite of the reasoning they were there, she was happy she was there with him.

"You know it's not polite to stare." He teased after catching her eyes on him.

"Well what can I say, I tend to stare at the guys I find attractive. Which is few and far between." She said as she grabbed a glass from a nearby waiter and sipped the champagne.

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