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The moon was high in the sky as Gala made her through the woods. Once leaving Mystic Falls, Gala did what Gala does best, go back to her brother.

She came upon the campsite she had been looking for to see bodies everywhere. It didn't take her long to find the site. Two days after she touched down in Portland, she had done a locator spell.

"Looks like you've done a number." She turned around at the presence behind her. "Did you save me any?"

"Oh please." Nik said sarcastically as he threw the body from his shoulder and walked over to his sister.

Gala was quick to give him a hug. A hug from her older brother was something she dearly needed.

"It's good to see you in one piece sister." He said as he pulled away. 

"You too." She smiled before looking around at the crowd that was starting to wake. "How many do you have so far?"

"This lot will be 50." He said as another man walked up to the two.

"Brady?" Gala said, shocked to see the male. "When did this happen?"

"Klaus found me on his way out of town." He answered as he brought a blood bag and shot glass over. "Didn't really give me a choice."

"Not surprised."

Gala watched as he filled the shot glass with Elena's blood. Brady made his way over to the first werewolf and handing it over where she proceeded to throw it back like a pro.

The werewolf herself ended up throwing herself onto the ground, groaning in pain as her new fangs elongated and eyes turn gold, accompanied by the red veins of a vampire.

"Beautiful isn't it." Nik said as he watched the new hybrids being born.

"You and I brother, have different meanings of beautiful." She chuckled as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"So, how do you know Brady?" Klaus asked his sister.

"Tyler introduced us." She told him as the last werewolf took the shot of blood. "Back before I started dating Jeremy and before Elijah had come to town. Haven't really seen him the last few months."

"Yeah, I've been helping Savanna." Brady said as he had made his way back over. "She didn't want everyone knowing she turned."

"Don't see why not. The only humans in the group are Matt and Alaric." Gala told him.

"Enough chitchat. There is another campsite 20 miles that way." Klaus said pointing behind him.

"Last one there is a loser." Gala said before vanishing from her spot.

Minutes later, Gala had her wrist in the mouth of a werewolf and snapping her neck. The others were running trying to get away, but Gala had been quicker.

"Loser." Gala smirked as she dropped the body of the werewolf she just killed.

"What happened to not killing the innocent or even women?" Klaus questioned as he watched in surprise as his sister continued to bite into her wrist and force it into the mouth of another wolf and proceeded to snap his neck.

"Well, when the reason for your humanity is in another city, probably helping his sister and her friends plan ways to kill his girlfriend's brother, you've got to relieve a little stress." Gala explained as she continued to wipe out the group.

"Welcome back little sister." He chuckled before turning away and answering his phone.

Gala took a seat on a fallen tree and pulled her phone from her pocket. She had been ignoring all texts and calls, though most of them were from Jeremy.

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