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"You trapped her in the house?" Gala asked amused about the idea of Elena stuck in the house while everyone she loved was in danger. "She's probably cursing your name right this minute."

"Oh well. Besides it's for the best. Trust me." Damon said, whom had come to visit her. "Elena's on a martyr tear that rivals Stefan's great hits. Everyone should be glad the witch and I are getting alone."

"I am glad. Is Fayanna still helping with the full moon tonight?" Gala questioned as she leaned up against the tomb wall.

"Yeah, she's with little Lockwood and blondie is with Tyler." Damon said as he held out a bag. "Brought you some things. Think of it as a peace offering. Candles, lanterns, clothes, thanks to baby Gilbert, and lunch."

Gala happily took the bag that Damon dropped at her feet as he flipped a bottle of blood in his hands. She held her hand out for the blood causing him to toss it over. She quickly opened the bottle, downing the liquid before Katherine could get any ideas about trying to grab it from the vampire.

She tossed the empty bottle back towards Damon and away from the spelled tomb.

"You know, you two are surprisingly calm considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan." Katherine said making her presence known.

"I've been dead before. I got over it." Damon said.

"And I'm only calm because I know Klaus." Gala said looking between the two. "And the only chance you have staying alive is with me. Just make sure Elena stays safe. Elijah and I have a plan and that involves Elena alive."

"Are you going to tell us this plan of yours?" Damon asked as Gala crouched down unzipping the bag.

"When the time's right. It's my brother's plan so I'm going with his timeline." She said pulling out the pile of neatly folded clothes. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to change. And you can go and keep Elena safe. But remember Damon, tonight is a full moon and a werewolf's bite will kill and if Caroline dies because Tyler bit her than you have me to deal with. Got it?"

Gala didn't let Damon answer, she just grabbed the bag and walked back deeper into the tomb. She placed the duffle bag on the bench she had claimed as hers before quickly changing into the band tee, that wasn't hers, and jeans that Jeremy had packed for her.

"Well, well. You and Jeremy Gilbert." Katherine said with a smirk on her face. "That's something I didn't see coming."

"I'm not going to talk about my relationship with you. So, for once in your life Katherine why don't you shut it." Gala said through gritted teeth as she went to lied back down.

"Why? Am I getting under your skin?" Katherine teased with a smirk.

"You know what." Gala growled out before she could sit down. She used her strength to break an iron rod from the fence that separated the room before speeding over to Katherine. She shoved the rod through the vampire's stomach, staking her to the wall.

Katherine screamed out in pain before sending a glare to the original in front of her. Gala roughly grabbed her face forcing her to keep eye contact, both sets of eyes dilating.

"As long as we are stuck in this tomb you will not speak to me about Jeremy Gilbert. Actually, don't speak to me at all." Gala gave with a sweet smile before twisting her wrist, snapping the vampire's neck.

The tomb was quite as she made her way back to her bench. She lied back down, her arm thrown over her eyes. She focused her hearing on the world outside the tomb. She needed something to drown out the deafening silence that resided in the small space. And listening foe the newly transforming wolves was the best easies thing in that moment.

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