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After being questioned by the police and a phone call from Damon, Gala found herself walking into the local hospital. It didn't take long for her to find him, he was walking up to a blonde woman dressed in a sheriff's uniform.

She watched as they stepped away from to talk in private, but that didn't stop her. She focused her hearing on them as she looked at something else, nothing in particular, she just didn't want to get caught staring.

"Mayor Lockwood is dead. They thought he was a vampire. They put him in the basement." The older woman whispered to Damon.

"Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?" Damon questioned.

She thought about the man that was in the basement with them, the one that had his neck snapped by the vampire. Gala knew the Lockwood's secret, she has known since 1863 when she was in Mystic Falls before Katherine showed up.

"No, no, no. A mistake was made. They said he dropped like the others when John's device went off, but he..." she heard a pause as heels clicked by before the sheriff continued. "he couldn't have been a vampire. I've known the man my whole life. And now Carol Lockwood is going to want answers, and all I can think about right now is Caroline."

Gala looked over at the two seeing Damon listening contently and the Sheriff getting choked up about Caroline. She was assuming that Caroline was her daughter by the reaction.

Damon wrapped his arms around her, consoling her, as he looked eyes with his friend. He could see the sadness in Gala's face which was quite unusual for the elder vampire to show and for Damon to see.

Once they pulled away she watched as the sheriff walked away and Damon made his way to her.

"Why did you need me Damon?" Gala questioned as she folded her arms across her chest.

"No reason, just figured you would be bored at home." He said he walked past her knowing she would follow him.

"Well, you're wrong. I wasn't even at home." She said as she kept in step with him. "I was with Elena. She had a not so friendly visitor that nearly killed John Gilbert." She explained as they stopped in there tracks at the sight of Elena talking to Bonnie Bennett.

"How's Caroline?" Elena questioned.

"She's weak. They don't know if she's going to make it." Bonnie explained.


Gala watched as the witch hugged the doppelgänger. She didn't know Caroline, but she knew Elena and Bonnie and even though she was still new to town and friend of Damon's, she wanted to help these girls.

"Is there anything you can do. Like a spell or something?" Elena questioned once she was released from the hug.

"She doesn't know how." Damon said making our presence noticed. "Do you?"

They stepped towards the girl as they both looked at us. Gala gave them a small smile, she didn't want to be inconsiderate since their friend was in the hospital, maybe even dying.

"No. I don't." Bonnie admitted.

"No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." Said Damon.

"Oh, well, I can take down a vampire. That spell was easy to learn." Bonnie retorted.

"I learned one before I was turned." Gala admitted causing everyone to focus on her.

"How long will it take to learn?" Bonnie questioned the vampire.

"To long. We don't have time for it if you friend is..." she didn't want to finish that sentenced. "So, instead I offer another solution. Vampire blood. You have two of us right here."

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