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Gala hasn't seen the small town of Mystic Falls in years, 150 to be exact. It looked nearly the same though. Just add a few modern buildings and streets and couple more families and it could be an exact replica.

Though, you still have the founding families that are hellbent on ridding the town of any supernatural being residing in the town. The teenagers that are just getting roped into grown up problems. Civilians that have know clue at what lurks in the dark. Then the new comers, the ones that come to town and assumingly have nothing to do with anything but turns out they know about everything.

Gala is the new comer. The one that knows what's going on and the one that is into saving a particular person in the town instead of seeing them dead.

It all started when one of Gala's contacts called her and told her that they saw Katherine Pearce aka Katerina Petrova. The doppelganger that her older brother had been hunting down.

Ronnie, the contact, told Gala that Katerina was heading for Mystic Falls. So, Gala packed a bag before heading to the small infested vampire town.

Arriving in the small town, Gala found herself walking around the town's square. Listening to the music and laughter as the town celebrated the day the town was founded. Which was really all a lie.

She made her way near the road where the parade was taking place.

The woman announced the marching band and crowd clapped and cheered as the they made their way down the road.

Gala watched on as a float that held several high school students dressed in clothes from the 1800s. A time that she was glad to be a part of but at the same time she was glad it was in the past.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsome escorts." Gala joined in on the clapping as the next float approached her spot.

The court and their escorts were dressed in the attire from the mid-1800s. A dress style that Gala was happy she never had to wear again. Upon seeing the teenagers on the float, Gala's eyes went wide at the sight she saw. She finally understood the reasoning Katherine was coming to the small town.

The doppelgänger, she thought that would never exist, was standing on the float near the back in the arms of Stefan Salvatore whom was an old flame of her sister's. Gala could tell it was the doppelgänger from the sound of the heartbeat and the fact that Stefan was hanging on to her. Now knowing the doppelgänger resides in the small-town, Gala knew the short stay was going to be prolonged.

Her body tensed as she felt the presence of a vampire behind her. But as she recognized the scent she relaxed her muscles and smirked.

"Well, isn't it a blast from the past." She said before looking over her shoulder at Damon Salvatore.

"Look what the cat dragged in." he smirked as he stepped up beside her and she watched as he waved to his brother on the float. "What are you doing in town?" he asked as she saw the doppelgänger give Damon an eye roll and Stefan just stare at him before looking at her with a furrowed brow.

"I'm looking for Katerina." She stated, her British accent floating through his ears. "My contact says she is either here or coming. And now seeing the doppelgänger and your brother, I know she will be here soon."

"And what are you going to do when you catch her?" he questioned.

"I haven't decided yet, but it will be painful." She smirked as she looked at him. "Why you going to try and stop me?"

"Actually, I was thinking of helping." He smirked back before looking over his shoulder.

Gala followed his direction to see two dark-skinned girls, one taller than the other, but she could tell they were Bennett witches. Not only could she feel their magic, but Gala has met enough Bennett witches to know one when she sees one.

Vintage | J. GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now