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"Fuck..." I curse under my breath as I try to make myself comfortable.

All four of us were now sharing the same hospital room, having been treated for our injury and left to rest for what remained of the night.

As far as I know it seemed mine and Midoriya's treatment took the longest, considering he had to get his bones reset and even surgery in his arms. I, on the other hand (pun not intended but welcome), just needed to have a blood transfusion for all the blood I'd lost. I was lucky they had bags of O- blood in stock of I would have been anaemic for the next few weeks.

I'd also been lucky enough to sustain a small but deep stab wound in my thigh and a large but superficial gash through my right palm from where I had grabbed the hero killer's sword. Not to mention the injury I struggled most with during the fight, the cut that stretched the entirety of my right forearm.

I was reprimanded pretty badly by the nurse who stitched me back up for heat sealing the wound back together multiple times. She said that it would definitely scar and that it was going to be an ugly, bumpy one that had basically no sense of touch once it had healed.

Not that I cared that much, considering the injuries that were bugging me the most now were the bruises littering my spine and shoulderblade, as well as the nice hairline fracture I sustained on one of my ribs.

I groan softly once more as I lay on my side.

Still, I can't seem to get comfortable.

"'s...cold..." I mutter as I slowly sit myself up.

My eyes flick over the beds of the other three students, all of them resting soundly. Heck, Midoriya was practically snoring as he slumbered in the bed beside me.

'dang, how's he sleeping so easy with two broken arms...?'

Crazy guy must have broke so many bones he built a tolerance to the pain.

Then there was Tenya, ocassionally sleep talking and, get this, sleep CHOPPING.

Man's was ordering us around even in his sleep.

I turned my gaze over to Todoroki's bed, the one across from mine. Then a breeze blew through the room, making me shiver once more.

'damn, what I wouldn't do for that fire quirk'

My thoughts trail off as I realise why I had been feeling so much colder than usual.





I sigh, gripping at my head as I look over at his bed once more.

Then I see his elbow raise, as though he were pressing a hand against his head.

He was awake too.




Should I...?

I mean I wanted to but did he...?

I tried laying back down but within seconds I was freezing again.

'not to mention, losing blood doesn't exactly do wonders for my body heat...'

I sit back up and stare at his bed once more, only to meet his eyes.

He was doing the same, knees pulled to his chest, looking at me.

That was all the confirmation I needed.

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