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mike hadn't lied about the only movie theater in town he was allowed in being a shit shack. there was only one worker on duty with the tasks of running the ticket booth, snack bar, and ripping tickets. it seemed like quite the workload for one person but el hadn't seen any other movie go-ers aside from her and mike so that explained the lack of help needed.

the pair decided on seeing the graduate since their options were so sorely limited and no matter how funny she found mike's reaction when she suggested it, she wasn't sitting through 4 hours of gone with the wind.

they opted for getting lunch after the movie since el had sort of loaded up on snacks at his house, something she was glad she did since the shitty theater only had unsalted popcorn and milk duds.

when they walked into their assigned theater, el was surprised to find only an elderly couple sat on the front row. she took the initiative to drag mike to the very back, stating very passionately that the back is always the best seats and that people who sit in the front are only looking to get a kink stuck in their neck.

another reason the back was the best was how secluded it usually was, but she didn't say that. after semi-gate, mike seemed pretty reluctant to put his hands or lips on el.

and he kept that up for about an hour into the film, but then el moved, causing her leg to brush against his. when he looked over at her, she was sitting with her knuckle brushing her lips, totally zoned out from the movie.

he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "whatcha thinking about?"

she nearly flinched, a small embarrassed smile tugging at her lips. "well, at first i was thinking about how poorly this movie was produced but then i remembered it's like 50 years old. then i started thinking about how one day people will say the same thing about my beloved twilight, and i got a little sad."

his brows furrowed. "people say that about twilight today, el."

he could see her eyes narrow, even in the dimly lit theater. she crossed her arms, facing back forward. "i hate you. i'm never coming back."

mike tilted his head, leaning in even closer. "i bet you'd take that back for a kiss."

she continued to stare straight ahead. "i bet i would not," she replied with a tight smile.

his large hand cupped her jaw, turning her face so that their noses were centimeters apart. "are you really gonna let your pride be the only thing standing in the way of us making out for the rest of the movie?"  he noticed how her eyes widened in interest and surprise.

she sighed, hating the way he makes her cave and over a fucking kiss. what is she, 11?

"i suppose i don't completely hate you, and i guess i could maybe come back someday," she murmured, ignoring how her pride receded to the back of her mind with two middle fingers aimed at her.

mike smirked, and her heart rate picked up. "you suppose, huh?" 

she finally broke her stare on the screen to glare at him. "i liked you better over text."

he shook his head, leaning toward her. "no, you don't," he whispered, just a breath away from her lips.

el shook her head, "i don't. now, kiss me."

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