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post malone

i'm out of the shower and squeaky clean 😙😙
how's my boy



like fucked up
obviously not fucked
because you're in chicago and i would fuck only you

i would only fuck u tooo 😋😋
so did u succeed in getting drunker

i did

did it make ur boner go away

no but i saw a guy slip in his own vomit
and that definitely made my boner go away

wait so why did u say ur fucked

because i had like 4 more shots and took a few hits off someone's pen
i'm gone for sure this time
i don't know how i'm even typing
i'm not even sure if i'm making sense

well u are, smarty boy

i do have bad news

what is it

paige is here
and she's fucking following me
she thinks she's being discrete but she's not

well i'm not worried
she'd have to be next level desperate to try something w u after u told her to fuck off

i wish you were here
you know, so you could fuck me in front of her

i wish i was there too
so i could tase her

bad girl

u want another show don't u omg

fuck yeah
she's literally staring me down
suddenly i'm not drunk enough
at least not for her shit

rip her eyes out

great idea

i'm full of them
remember when i said we should fuck and u said no
now u regret it
if u had listened to my great idea in the first place u wouldn't be filled w all this regret 😇😇
delivered at 11:28 pm
delivered at 11:36 pm
did ur phone die ☹️
wait no bc my texts are sending so that's not it lol
delivered at 11:40 pm
ok well have fun and be safe please
talk to u later 🤍
delivered at 11:49 pm
read at 11:51 pm

i'm back
sorry el
paige was trying to talk shit

omg are u kidding
she's embarrassing 🙄

i agree
i'm so ready to leave this fucking party

what was she saying

it doesn't even matter
just dumb shit

but what was it about?

don't worry about it ok?
it's not important

ok why do i get the feeling u don't want me to know

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now