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post malone

guess what

they're making a new twilight

wait what

el no
you told me to guess
i was guessing

no they're not
robert pattinson would never 🥲

ok then what

my dad is going to help my aunt and uncle move into their new house in quinsworth

that's nice of him

he's going for the whole weekend
leaving friday night
coming back sunday

oh let me guess
you're throwing a party?

oh fuck no
i was wondering if maybe u would want to come to chicago
to like
see me

this coming up weekend?

since u were busy for the past two weekends and couldn't come

ok i'll see if i can

delivered at 11:47 am

willie woo


why are we frowning
it's tuesday
joyce is making us tacos tonight
u have no reason to frown

u remember how i told u yesterday abt my dad leaving and how i was gonna see if mike wanted to come this weekend

i recall that yes

ok well i asked him
and call me crazy but he did not seem interested in the slightest

maybe he has plans?

maybe but why wouldn't he just tell me if he does?

maybe they're embarrassing plans
maybe he's going to the dick doctor for erectile dysfunction

will i'm being serious

erectile dysfunction is extremely serious, eleanor

do u think he doesn't wanna see me

i doubt that's what it is
didn't he send u flowers like a week ago

yes but they were apology flowers

oh yeah
for comparing u to a prostitute 🤪

yup 🙂
thanks for the reminder
still a little upset abt that
he said he didn't mean it but what if he did and what if he doesn't like me anymore

ur dumb as fuck
if he didn't like u and he wasn't sorry, he wouldn't have sent u roses

they were peonies

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now