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estimated time of arrival: 9:41 am.

current time: 9:37 am.

el had already gotten her first peek of hawkins, indiana through the bus window. what mike claimed was a shithole, el couldn't help but find herself leaning toward the glass for a better look. it was so different than chicago, and while mike considered it boring in comparison, el thought it seemed safe and comforting.

as more and more of the town passed her by, she couldn't help but think of the nerves dwindling in her stomach that she'd been ignoring for the past forty minutes. she bit her lip, pulling her airpods out of her ears and cutting off the sound of post malone's overly autotuned vocals.

listening to post malone felt most appropriate for her bus ride.

her hazel eyes flickered back down to phone, seeing two texts from mike.

post malone

i'm here
and i'm fucking nervous
read at 9:39 am

el smiled at the texts, relieved that she wasn't the only one freaking the fuck out. she'd never felt this way before meeting up with a guy before, but she knew mike was different. this wasn't a hook up, this was... a date? was it a date?

she bit her lip as she typed out her reply.

post malone

almost there
eta is 9:41 😳😳
if it helps, i'm nervous too btw
delivered at 9:40 am

she looked up from her phone to see the bus was pulling to a stop at the bus stop in the middle of what looked like downtown hawkins.

only a handful of people, including herself, started filing off the bus.

unfortunately one of those people happened to be a rude, middle-aged white lady with an inverted bob haircut. "ugh, could you unglue your eyes from your phone and maybe walk a bit quicker? some of us have places to be," she snarled, trailing too closely behind el down the bus aisle.

el's narrowed eyes lifted from the three dots signaling that mike was typing and slid over her shoulder to see the woman. "sure, i can walk quicker, but could you maybe stop breathing so fucking heavy? it's just that your breath kind of smells like you ate satan's ass for breakfast," she snapped back, forgetting her previous nerves as this woman's snarking took her focus.

el turned back forward and made her way down the bus steps, knowing the woman's still stunned face was following behind her.

her grip tightened on the black baguette purse in her shoulder when the lady's offended voice shrilled again. "you should be ashamed for having a mouth like that. when i was your age, my mother would've had a stroke if she heard me speak so vulgarly," her eyes flickered over el's figure, "or if she caught me wearing something so... indecent."

el rolled her eyes, unfazed by the insult. since when was a skirt and crop top scandalous? it was a long-sleeved crop top, too so she wasn't even showing her shoulders. lord knows they'd be too erotic for this crone.

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now