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post malone

you alive?

sadly 😔😔

you hungover?

i only get hangovers when i black out

i'm surprised you didn't
your typing was certainly impaired

says u

yes i'm the one who said it?
so did you make it to school

just in time for my math class 😅😔
tbh i wish i didn't
i should've just gotten some cfa and skipped

honestly you should've
i would chose chick-fil-a over school lunch any day

i have too many absences

i'm not surprised

did i ask

snappy, damn
you ok today??


yesterday you were being weird
i assume because of austin

oh yes yeah
it was bc of him yes


but i'm good today
lol pretty sure i was being over dramatic abt the whole crush thing
i tend to exaggerate when i'm drunk

but you were acting weird before the party

bc i was running low on sleep
speaking of i could still use a nap
i had a late night lol
will is lowkey mad at me for waking him up to get me 😗😗

it was 2 in the morning
that's understandable
but i'm sure he would've rather gone and gotten you than something happen

true true
so what were u doing up so late 🤔
killer study sesh or smth?

couldn't sleep
and then you texted and i was moderately concerned so i waited until you were home to fall asleep

u didn't have to tho
i'm pretty good at finding my way home when i'm stumbling drunk
believe me i've got stories 😳😳

i bet you do

but seriously
what would u have done


like if someone kidnapped me and i never texted u when i got home
what were u gonna do from indiana

i don't know
i'd probably message your friend will on instagram

so u know his instagram 👀
do u stalk me ??

i wouldn't call briefly looking at your account and seeing him in a pic stalking

u can stalk me
it's ok
i stalk u too
hahahahah i stalk everyone tho 🤣🤣
i get bored

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now