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6:57 pm.

though she would die before she admitted it, el was really fucking nervous. she wasn't sure what the procedure would be.

is she supposed to facetime him, or does she wait for him to facetime her? should she text him before to let him know she's about to call? should she wait to see if he even remembered?

she groaned, chucking her phone at her bed in frustration. this is exactly why she preferred her life free from the confusing and anxiety-inducing binds of feelings. it was so easy when all she had to text a guy was "u dtf tn?" it was efficient and simple, but this thing with mike? it made no fucking sense to her.

el was always sure of herself, of her body and the things she did or said, but mike had her analyzing everything. she hated it.

yet, she couldn't get enough of it. even before she knew he felt the same, she got a high off sending him a flirty text and waiting for his reaction.

but knowing he liked her unfiltered and dirty mouth, knowing he found her attractive and desirable, it made all the insecurities and unknowns worth it.

her anxious pacing came to an abrupt halt when her ringtone, which was supermassive black hole from the twilight soundtrack, started playing from her bed. without thinking, she lunged for it only to freeze once it was in her hands.

the phone lit up with his name — well, technically post malone's name, but you get the idea — and her stomach churned.

she'd been asking him to facetime for weeks, but now that the time she finally come she can't bring herself to swipe it to accept.

"fuck," she grumbled, knowing she had to answer soon before it ended. she forced her thumb to swipe the screen, and she stared at her appearance as she waited nervously for it to connect.

her dark hair fell in short waves right above her shoulders, contrasting with her light green, cropped tank top. earlier she debated on not wearing her pajamas, but then she got mad at herself for even caring what she wore. she knew he probably wouldn't even see her pajama shorts with his whole 'not that kind of facetime' claim.

the picture of her minimized, and his face replaced it.

she couldn't have fought the smile that crossed her lips even if she wanted to. she immediately recognized his dark gray walls and the headboard of his bed from the background of his snapchats, and she realized he was laying on his bed.

el's eyes widened when she realized she had leaned really close to the camera to look at him, and she jerked back from her screen.

she heard him laugh, and it made her stomach tighten. however, this time she made sure to conceal her smile due to the fact that he was laughing at her.

"fuck you."

it wasn't what she imagined she'd say on their first facetime, but she wasn't all that surprised. even with her conflicting feelings, she was still el.

his laughter grew, and he brushed a curl out of his face.

"in your dreams."

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now