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it was like the opening scene of an r-rated romcom, the way they were grappling at each other and making out the entire elevator ride up to the floor of her apartment.

dinner had been a dream. just like their first date in the hawkins coffee shop, talking came natural for them.

mike told her about how much his friends ragged him and called him pussy-whipped when he told them he was driving to chicago for the weekend. he even told her how his mom tried to sit him down with a box of condoms to have the talk that was so long overdue it was no longer necessary. unlike his mom, his dad showed little reaction to mike announcing his excision at dinner tuesday night.

el told mike about how much shit will had talked about him with her to keep his visit a surprise, but he didn't seem offended. he even apologized for lying, swearing there would be no more surprises at her expense.

they talked about mike attending school in the fall and el's disdain at finding a real job to pay the rent in whatever apartment her and will get.

she'd stopped selling nudes and people didn't really buy drawings when paintings were an option so she didn't see selling art as much of an option.

she told him she was considering being a barista because she liked watching the videos of baristas making drinks on tiktok. mike then told her he could see her being a barista, but not at a chain coffee shop like starbucks, more like a themed cafe with borderline bad indie music constantly playing.

that got him a loud laugh, and he pitied the pianist in the corner of the restaurant because he would never be able to play something more beautiful than it. no one would.

they spoke of mostly trivial shit, steering away from the heavy, not touching the topics of his father's weighing disappointment or her absence mother, because why would they? why would either of them wish to waste their allotted time together unloading their burdens?

dinner was delicious, and el made sure he was aware by moaning at the taste of ravioli every now and again. she had moaning down to an art, he decided. she knew how to make it innocent enough that nobody from surrounding tables turned their heads, but erotic enough to make his dick stiffen.

mike had passed on dessert, but insisted that el get the chocolate cheesecake she had told him was orgasmic in the uber to the restaurant. orgasmic was correct if her moans were any indication.

aside from her noises of appreciation, the date was innocent and sweet. it was exactly what she imagined fancy dinner dates to be based on the movies she'd seen and books she'd read.

but then they were in the back seat of the uber black he had ordered, murmuring lowly to each other and brushing hands, when white iverson unmistakably started to hum through the small, dark mercedes.

it had a smile pulling at el's pink lips and her eyes looked to him to find his already watching her. his hand abandoned its task of smoothing over her wrist to clasp her thigh. "what are you thinking?" he had asked.

her eyes flitted to the front of the uber to find their driver stoically staring forward as they got closer and closer to her building.

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