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post malone

hey hey hi hi

are you home from your party already?

i am still here
hiding in the bathroom 🤘🏻

what happened?

this couple wants me to fuck them


like a threesome u know
it's when 3 ppl have sex
but like all together

i know what the fuck a threesome is, el

ok ok sheeesh 😳
but anyway i don't wanna have one w them for obvious reasons
plus threesomes aren't even good
way overhyped

you've... had one?

only once


well yes
just so u know, it's too late for u to decide i'm too much of whore for u to like me
u had ur chance sista 👋🏻👋🏻

i wasn't
i don't think you're a whore
i was just surprised

u shouldn't be

no i guess you're right
i really shouldn't be


so, if i can ask
when exactly did you have a threesome

yes u can ask lmao
at the beginning of last summer
it was w my friend and this guy she met online that was in town from toronto
it was not good
i didn't even come
they did tho
but like they had a thing so it makes sense why i just sat there half the time

if they liked each other, why'd they want you to join?

i think the guy just wanted to watch us make out or something 🙄🙄
i only agreed bc i was drunk as fuck and for some reason i thought it'd be good
idk threesomes look fun in porn but i suppose that's the point

i suppose

are u ok with hearing abt this

yes, el
i asked

i knoooooww
i just don't wanna make u uncomfy

you've never been scared of making me uncomfortable before

that's different
i don't actually make u uncomfortable
i just make u horny and u fight the horniness

pretty much yeah

oh btw
we will never have a threesome

i wasn't going to propose one

bc i'm not gonna sit there and wait my turn to suck ur dick

same here

ur not waiting ur turn to suck my dick?

you know what i meant

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now