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post malone

sup slut

um rude
would you like to be called a slut?

preferably during some rough sex 🥴

why did i even ask

bc u wanted to know
now u know 😉

you're intolerable

yet u continue to tolerate me


want to know why i texted u?

you're saying your intent wasn't purely to insult me by calling me a slut?

who said i was insulting u
sluts 🤪🤪🤪 >>>
but no that wasn't my intent

ok then why did you text me

bc i was listening to my sad playlist and i fall apart came on and i was like "oh shit i haven't checked in my posty. he must be falling apart without me"

i really was
why were you listening to your sad playlist?

will says i should wallow in my sadness
apparently it's therapeutic and more effective than having heaps of sex with frat boys

what sadness are you wallowing in exactly?

no sadness in particular
to giving wallowing a try
it's not for me obviously

so will you be returning to having heaps of sex with frat boys or?

tho it's not exclusive to frat boys if u know what i'm saying 😏

i know what you're saying but i'm going to pretend i dont
what are you doing
still wallowing in sadness?


el, why are you sad?

lol they crazy

are you sure that's all?

what's it to u
aw do u care abt me or smth 🤧😩
such a good guy

of course i care about you
what's the matter
seriously tell me

ok well
i'm beginning to regret certain aspects of my life
like maybe if i made different decisions i would be happier ?
that sounded pathetic as fuck 😳

no it didn't
what decisions are you talking about
you didn't kill anyone did you

not yet
check back in on that in 5 years tho

what decisions

all the partying
and the drinking
and the countless hook ups

you don't keep track?

i lost track at like 37 ish
and that was my junior year

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now