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willie woo

text me when u get there so i know ur good and his irl vibes aren't serial killer-y
delivered at 9:22 am
eleanor jane hopper
it's been two hours and i have yet to receive a "hi i'm good and he isn't gonna kill me" text 😳😳😳
ur location says ur at a house which is lowkey scary so pls reply before i call daddy hop 😅
delivered at 11:35 am

i hate u
i hope u die in the most painful way possible
u stupid ugly cockblock
i could have his fingers inside me rn but u just had to fucking text
i hope u get leprosy on ur dick

well that was all very rude
maybe i should call daddy hop to show him these texts bc i feel thoroughly threatened
read at 11:40 am
ok fuck u for leaving me on read
i want an update an hour from now
read at 11:41 am

here's ur fucking update: i've never wanted to be fingered by a guy so bad in my life

this isn't what i meant by update
i meant like
"hi still alive love u"

willllllllll u don't understand 😭😭

bitch i'm gay
of course i understand
u want some dick
join the club

but i've never wanted it like this

eleanor dear
it's because u have feelings for him

i'm well aware

so what have y'all been doing

not fucking 😪

oh i've gathered
please tell me he's at least kissed u

i know ur gonna say ew but i've never gotten so wet from just kissing a guy like i did with him 😳😳

ew pls stop
u know vaginas weird me out
but he's a good kisser i assume?

the best
perfect amount of tongue
good pace
not too breathy
hands in all the right places
just enough biting
it was all perfect

thanks for that description ?
anyways what's he like
aside from the kissing

so funny
and hot
and cute
and lowkey mean
but in a funny-hot-cute way

omg this is so weird i've never seen u like this
ur being so mushy ellie 😌😌

fuck i know
and he's so good at this whole first date thing
i feel like i sound so dumb trying to be all flirty with him

u probably do

stfu mole-rat
ur just jealous

why would i be jealous

bc he was only half hard and that shit was already 6 or 7 inches

wait are u serious

dead fucking serious

first of all, ok yeah
little jealous
second of all
u got him hard but he still didn't want to fuck??

he said he just wants to get to know each other better today 😅
it'd be fine if i wasn't so horny

aw i forgot he's anti sex

um i wouldn't say anti
he just doesn't want today to be abt that


idk i get it
i like talking to him tho
we played mario kart too and he beat me like 5 times bc i couldn't stop staring at his hands and thinking abt his fingers inside me
his hands are so big 😩😩

i cant believe ur playing mario kart on a date

hey stop judging my date

well what else did y'all do
aside from not fuck and play mario kart

well this morning we went to a coffee shop like i told u we were
and then we came to his house
and we've just been hanging out
he gave the tour and i realized his parents are fancy fucking rich people

i actually wasn't expecting that

but ok after that we went and hung out in his basement and played mario kart and talked and stuff


it's fixed up as like a game room and a home theater
there's even a snack bar
which i 100% raided 😗😗

oh shit he is rich wtf
damn ok maybe i am jealous

we're abt to go to the movies

i thought he had a home theater

he does but his sister's soccer game ended so his family is on the way home and i'm def not meeting them today


but hopefully we just make out the whole movie
he hasn't kissed me since i gave him a semi earlier 😔😔

poor thing

stop making fun of me
u don't understand
i've never wanted to kiss someone so bad


and proud of it 😎

what time are u coming back
we have to be back on the bus by 5

i know
after the movie ends, we're gonna go eat and then i'll be on the way back

good bitch
ok well i have to go
some of us aren't spending out saturday making out with rich guys with big dicks
some of us had to go on college tours

couldn't be me
but have fun 😉

yeah yeah stfu
shouldn't u be paying attention to him and not texting me?

he knows i'm texting u to tell u abt him
we're otw to the theater
i'll let u know what happens 😌

pls don't fuck in a movie theater
that's low
even for u

wtf i'm not
a hj or bj maybe
but full on fucking?
i'd never

ur insane

go tour the fucking school

read at 12:49 pm


a/n: short filler chapter... hmmm what do u guys think will happen tho? 😙😙 ok thanks for reading ily all

word count: 920

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