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post malone

what are we doing tmrw
i'm picking my outfit out rn since i have to wake up so ungodly early 🤮

was i suppose to plan something

i don't know
this is my first date

el i'm kidding
i did plan something
fair warning it's nothing groundbreaking because i live in a shitty small town
so i advise you come with low expectations

low expectations for just the town or u included ??

honestly both
you're still out of my league

stfu i'm not
we're in one single hot as fuck league 😡😡

yeah yeah
so i thought after i picked you up we could go downtown to get coffee since it will be so ungodly early for you
and since i know you like coffee

it is my favorite meal yes

and then i thought we could go back to my house and hang out

ur house 😗😗

you don't have to worry about meeting my family
they'll all be at holly's soccer game tomorrow morning

oh good
u know
so they won't hear when u fuck me 😌


i'm kidding
no fucking will occur tmrw
unless u change ur mind 😇

i want tomorrow to be about meeting each other
there's time for that stuff later

u sound so sure that ur gonna like me in person

i am sure

it's ok if u don't

are you high again

no 🙄🙄
i'm not being paranoid
i'm being serious
i'm prettier in person but i've been told i come across too strong
like harsh and blunt
and vulgar
it's not for everyone

well it's for me

ok but if u don't feel that way after u meet me then just be honest

you should know you're very harsh and blunt and vulgar through texts as well
yet i still text your ass every fucking day

god i love when ur all aggressive 😭
it turns me on

there's not much that doesn't

ur hateful
one day my gooch won't gush the way it does rn
u should really enjoy it while u can

i don't know why that text caught me so off guard

i'm vulgar

i like it

then fuck me 😩😩

but keep begging

post malone / mileven texting au.Where stories live. Discover now